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Thank you Damkira for posting that. I had decided to stay out of this thread but I would hate to leave that opinion unchallenged. The official stance of psychologists is that sexual orientation is like race. Yes it can cause a lot of problems, but you don't try and change that. You deal with the problems caused by the way a person is born because that is not inherently harmful to anyone.

Grey you are being fairly two-faced here. You keep saying you don't care what people do in the prvacy of their own homes, and then go on to talk about how we should "treat" homosexuality. You say it doesn't bother you who decides to do what behind closed doors, but you are against giving the people equal benefits based on what is going on behind closed doors.

And your logic is flawed. What is or is not acceptable to you means jack and shit. The question is does it harm anyone? The correct answer is no, it does not. You use an interesting and antiquated sense of morality to justify your opinion, but life is not so simple. We have an over-populated world growing at an exponential rate. A few people deciding to not pop out a bunch more kids is to the benefit of the world right now.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229