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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: "No Plans" for March PS3 Price Cut

Price cut incoming.

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lol its confirmed. sony has denied every price cut rumor since the dawn of the playstation, maybe a bit of an exaggeration.

Staude said:
ssj12 said:
amirnetz said:
Max King of the Wild said:
amirnetz said:

Careful here.

The standard response from a company is "we do not comment on rumors and speculations".

Here Sony went much stronger. They outflat denied it. If they are lying, it will come back to haunt them and kill their enterprise credibility. They know it and they are very careful with what they say. So if they denied it, you should assume they have a good reason to believe that what they said is true and they will not be caught lying.



 You're new so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... lying is nothing new to companies. no this wont hurt their credibility. no people wont remember they denied it 5 months from now.

You are young and inexperienced so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  Lying to journalist is something that every PR department in a corporation will avoid like the plauge. They will hide the truth, they will bend it, they will not answer the question, but the will not knowingly lie.

I know it is hard for you to understand it at such a young age, but here is how it works: the PR guys need the journalists and they need to maintain good working relationships with them. They cannot afford to burn bridges with them (which is what lying gets you in this business). They cannot afford to alienate them. They want to have many another conversations with the journalists in the next year.

So they don't lie. Instead they have a nice convention for whenever the situation is unpleasent: "we do not comment on rumors and speculations". Sony chose not to use the convention but instead flatout denied it. This means that they are sure there is no price cut planned for March. Maybe there is one planned for April, maybe even for February. But not for March, for sure.

Lesson is over. You can go home.



You realize Sony flatout denied the last price cut up to a week before it happened right? I think you have no clue what your talking about or how PR works...

^^ to build on what he said, they only said that there were no plans. That does not mean there wont be a price cut. Lying about there being "plans" for a price cut is .. well.. nothing ?


Building off what these two have said...

Wait no I won't they covered that part perfectly I'll cover this part


Journalists aren't about being buddies with companies. They are all about getting news and the next bit of information. If Journalist gets lied to they still will be reporting the latest news that has been said... and they won't hold it personally because when they information comes that it was a lie they will be right along side the company getting the next news out of them.... if anything will hurt a journalists relations with a company it would be "No comment, No comment, No comment" because then the journailst has nothing to report and they wasted their time and efforts getting news and they got squat. And then next time they will just be like "Last time they didn't give me ANYTHING to work with that place is just a waste of time for me"


amirnetz said:
Torillian said:
amirnetz said:
Max King of the Wild said:

 You're new so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... lying is nothing new to companies. no this wont hurt their credibility. no people wont remember they denied it 5 months from now.

You are young and inexperienced so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  Lying to journalist is something that every PR department in a corporation will avoid like the plauge. They will hide the truth, they will bend it, they will not answer the question, but the will not knowingly lie.'s the condescension wars. 


 Hey - he started it...


 What are you... five?

Torillian - I wasn't being condescending I just thought since was new he wouldn't know how many times companies lie... especially since over a year ago Sony flat out denied any price cut till the week it happened. I wasn't expecting him to realize that since he's so new and that was so long ago.

Max King of the Wild said:

Building off what these two have said...

Wait no I won't they covered that part perfectly I'll cover this part


Journalists aren't about being buddies with companies. They are all about getting news and the next bit of information. If Journalist gets lied to they still will be reporting the latest news that has been said... and they won't hold it personally because when they information comes that it was a lie they will be right along side the company getting the next news out of them.... if anything will hurt a journalists relations with a company it would be "No comment, No comment, No comment" because then the journailst has nothing to report and they wasted their time and efforts getting news and they got squat. And then next time they will just be like "Last time they didn't give me ANYTHING to work with that place is just a waste of time for me" 

You guys really have no clue how this business works. You really think that a company can just lie to journaliests and get out of it clean?

Journalists crucify companies that lie to them. It's not like they are taking it personally. In fact they kind of love the new drama. Journalists love this staff becuase it adds color and interesting angles to the story and you can bet that they'll mention it at every opportunity. They'll start mentioning the previous credibility laps in every future piece about the company and they'll enjoy tarnishing the reputation of the company at every opportunity.

Just as bad, they also start asking other sources to confirm the company's story and allow the competitors to tell the story instead of the company - which is exactly what you want to avoid as a PR person.

Guys, this is ABC of PR. Don't lie to journalists. There are so many easier ways out of a tough situation. "No comment" works very well when it comes to handleling rumors and speculations and this is a standard practice. "It is against our policy to discuss X" is also a good way to handle such situations.

The collateral damage of tarnished credibility is so so high that it is just not worth while to engage in lying.

Believe me guys, I am doing this staff for a living.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

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Max King of the Wild said:
amirnetz said:
Torillian said:
amirnetz said:
Max King of the Wild said:

 You're new so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... lying is nothing new to companies. no this wont hurt their credibility. no people wont remember they denied it 5 months from now.

You are young and inexperienced so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  Lying to journalist is something that every PR department in a corporation will avoid like the plauge. They will hide the truth, they will bend it, they will not answer the question, but the will not knowingly lie.'s the condescension wars. 

 Hey - he started it...

 What are you... five?


 I am sorry you could not see the humor intended.

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

So why aren't journalists reporting the last time Sony outright denied the price cuts it happened a week after. Why arn't journalists reporting that Sonys reputation is tarnished? Answer me that one buddy and I'll believe every word you say from now on... (It's because they don't care and already forgot about it... You have 2 threads.... and both are wrong... do you see a pattern here buddy?)

Max King of the Wild said:

...since over a year ago Sony flat out denied any price cut till the week it happened...


I asked for a link to that claim. Where is it?

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Max King of the Wild said:
So why aren't journalists reporting the last time Sony outright denied the price cuts it happened a week after. Why arn't journalists reporting that Sonys reputation is tarnished? Answer me that one buddy and I'll believe every word you say from now on... (It's because they don't care and already forgot about it... You have 2 threads.... and both are wrong... do you see a pattern here buddy?)

I am no Sony defender but I would really appreciate a link in which Sony is shown to be lying.

Sony made some major mistakes this generation. The made promises and broke them (backward compatibility anyone?) but this does not constitute lying - they thought they were true when they made them. Still even broken promises cause you lose of credibility and the journalists and publications were pretty harsh on them for a long time after the fact. We are all still mentioning the 4D CELL engine claims years before the release of the PS3. Again - not lying, but loss of credibility.

You can see how much loss of credibility hurt Sony already - and this was even without any outright lying. Just making future looking projections that did not not come true.

We have long memory for these lapses and companys avoid getting themselves into creditbility lapses like the plauge.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

"Today, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves confirmed in a press conference that the price cut would only be for North Americans, and that the console would definitely not be getting a price cut from the current £425/599 euro price (approx $850). Aussies are getting a similar deal--there will be no price drop from the current price of A$999. Another blow was dealt to European and Aussie gamers with the news that the souped-up 80GB version would also not be coming to the regions"

Reeves denied any price cut for the Ps3 in August... Now I can't find a link that shows the exact date the Ps3 got a price drop in Europe but I can say with all confidence that isn't 425/599 anymore. And I know they cut it in '07... So Lets just say they cut in Jan thats still 4 months (which probablly was a lot sooner) hm... whats in 4 months from now... could that be march?