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Forums - Sales Discussion - OTHERS NUMBERS IN : huge hurting on ps3

nightsurge said:
Skeeuk said:
360 higher sales were expected, certainly will be its last year like this. on games front its looking quite grim in 2009.

once things settle going into 2009 like in feb-march. we should have a good picture on how rest of gen could possibly play out.

More speculation?  No one can say with certainty that the 360 is at it's peak, or the final good year.  As far as 2009 goes, the 360 has just as many games both multi-plat and exclusives as the PS3, and guaranteed they will all sell better than their PS3 counterparts (based on past multi-plat trends).

There is no reason to think the 360 will die down in 2009.  None at all.

EDIT:  Zen beat me to it.

There is no reason to think the 360 will die down in 2009

based on past trends

Decode this how you will.

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Some insane ESTIMATES.
What happened to PS3?

Looking forward to GFK and MCV data. =)

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

Skeeuk said:
360 higher sales were expected, certainly will be its last year like this. on games front its looking quite grim in 2009.

once things settle going into 2009 like in feb-march. we should have a good picture on how rest of gen could possibly play out.


So 2008 is the year of the PS3 right......I mean RIGHT

I'm scared !

CrazzyMan said:
Some insane ESTIMATES.
What happened to PS3?

Looking forward to GFK and MCV data. =)


What if that data shows 360 selling even more..?

CrazzyMan said:
Some insane ESTIMATES.
What happened to PS3?

Looking forward to GFK and MCV data. =)

remember last argument we had? i think you got owned hard last couple of weeks, so maybe you want 2 refrain your statement?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Around the Network
CrazzyMan said:
Some insane ESTIMATES.
What happened to PS3?

Looking forward to GFK and MCV data. =)


Microsoft said they did 3 times the volume of the PS3 in the UK for the week tracked in this data:

So, estimates or not, the 360 is pwning in Others.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Great week for Nintendo!

And 360 woooooow!!! amazing sales!! who knew they could make a comeback?! Excellent strategy for them, and now Sony looks like its in deep trouble in the holidays...

@Max King

You took them out of context and rearranged them to sound like I was basing the 360's life off of past trends.

I was basing the selling power of multi-plat games on the 360 on past trends.  Which will hold true.  There is nothing to say the 360 will die down in 2009.  ESPECIALLY given the great software sales and future games outlook.

Skeeuk said:
i think all those impulse buyers are thick

That must make it hurt all the more. Suck it up fanboy.


nightsurge said:

@Max King

You took them out of context and rearranged them to sound like I was basing the 360's life off of past trends.

I was basing the selling power of multi-plat games on the 360 on past trends.  Which will hold true.  There is nothing to say the 360 will die down in 2009.  ESPECIALLY given the great software sales and future games outlook.


 no. I was showing you that you go off of past trends... and past trends show 3rd year usually is the best...