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Forums - General Discussion - Where's the weirdest place you ever urinated?

In my kitchen sink. :)

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on Dgc1808 house

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Onyxmeth only wins in this thread. Sadly, it sounds like on that fateful day, he lost big time.

I wasn't the only one. Let's just say I witnessed first hand that it's harder to mentally wash piss out of your mouth than it is to actually wash it out. Kinda like when you think bugs are crawling all over you after you see an ant climb your leg. This was back in High School too, so let's just say this didn't stay under wraps very long. That chick was called name's from here to eternity and I had tons of rejections from worried girls at parties when I got inebriated.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

*Looks at Onyx's gamercard picture* You sure it was the peeing incident that made girls worried about getting frisky with you?

I kidd. :P

poor Onyxmeth regected by all those hot women and the woman he pissed in has been called potty mouth ever since

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wfz said:

*Looks at Onyx's gamercard picture* You sure it was the peeing incident that made girls worried about getting frisky with you?

I kidd. :P

Like I previously told Grahamhsu, only narcissists utilize Mii and Avatar programs to make themselves. Onyxmeth is much more creative than that and has no interest making self portraits with software. You may look forward to my next fantastic creation in the coming days.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

how is potty mouth u seen her lately

dogsforlife said:
how is potty mouth u seen her lately

It's been awhile. I hear she works for Listerine now.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

A mate of mine once pissed through a guy we knews letter box, that was pretty funny.

Personally, I've done up the side of a church like old stubbsy up there. I've also done it in Japan many times like rubang, that is an odd one. but I think the oddest place was in the sea off a giant rock in the south of France.

I should have posted this earlier since it's gaming-related, but I forgot. Here goes:

One time I had a birthday party and we all got wasted, and I had 2 couches in my bedroom at the time, and a friend of mine was so drunk he was out of his mind and beyond human communication, and he kinda stood up while still sleeping/sleepwalking and just whipped it out in my bedroom. I was barely waking up to the noise of my girlfriend punching the shit out of him and telling him to stop, but he couldn't even hear her and didn't respond at all, and just kept pissing in my bedroom. I was horribly lobstered as well, so when I finally realized what was happening, it was too late, and he just fell back over onto the couch and was dead asleep. We smacked him a bit and he wouldn't budge. We tried to clean up a little, but it turned out he pissed directly into the game-slot of my Super Nintendo, which got the majority of the urine. Other than that it was a tiny bit on my table, my NES, and my floor. The SNES was completely soaked through from the inside out with urine (most likely 90% alcohol at that point).

When my friend woke up and found out what he did, he bolted. A friend of his came by to apologize for him, and gave me a free SNES to replace the other one. The urinated-on-one still works to this day. And that, my friends, is how Rubang got 2 Super Nintendos. And I don't remember which is which.