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I should have posted this earlier since it's gaming-related, but I forgot. Here goes:

One time I had a birthday party and we all got wasted, and I had 2 couches in my bedroom at the time, and a friend of mine was so drunk he was out of his mind and beyond human communication, and he kinda stood up while still sleeping/sleepwalking and just whipped it out in my bedroom. I was barely waking up to the noise of my girlfriend punching the shit out of him and telling him to stop, but he couldn't even hear her and didn't respond at all, and just kept pissing in my bedroom. I was horribly lobstered as well, so when I finally realized what was happening, it was too late, and he just fell back over onto the couch and was dead asleep. We smacked him a bit and he wouldn't budge. We tried to clean up a little, but it turned out he pissed directly into the game-slot of my Super Nintendo, which got the majority of the urine. Other than that it was a tiny bit on my table, my NES, and my floor. The SNES was completely soaked through from the inside out with urine (most likely 90% alcohol at that point).

When my friend woke up and found out what he did, he bolted. A friend of his came by to apologize for him, and gave me a free SNES to replace the other one. The urinated-on-one still works to this day. And that, my friends, is how Rubang got 2 Super Nintendos. And I don't remember which is which.