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Forums - Sony Discussion - why is Motorstorm not selling that great?

I own the original Motorstorm and never play it. I would say it's the least played game in my PS3 library. This is a shock to me, because I have an 8 year old son that loves racing games, so I figured at least he would play it. Well, he'd rather play Need for Speed Carbon or even ExciteTruck on the Wii. Look, when an 8 year old won't play a game because the gameplay is boring and unenjoyable, that's a pretty damning indictment of a game.

The collision detection in Motorstorm is spotty, and not just the vehicle/vehicle collisions but really the vehicle/environment problems. I have suffered losing races a number of times because I mysteriously "blew up" when I hit a ramp. The CPU AI is suspect in the single player campaign mode; it "cheats" like Mario Kart. I build a half-a-lap lead, run a perfect line, and still the ENTIRE pack catches me in 45 seconds. The online servers are either filled with griefers or are down (I have not been able to connect to Motorstorm online for awhile now).

The original is a mediocre racer, and I only give it a grade of mediocre because of the soundtrack and visuals. Because of that, I have no interest in Pacific Rift.

I made pretty much the same statement about Resistance/Resistance 2 in that COD:WaW/R2 sales thread.

IMHO, PS3 fans need to take a step back and realize that a lot of these exclusives aren't selling well because they're just not very good games.

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I think the problem is actually that the first motorstorm did sell so well. It's the type of game where you don't tend to buy every single iteration because not enough has changed. I think a lot of casual motorstorm owners were probably pretty put off by the amount of content the original had as well. It really was half a game at most. So I can understand people not wanting the sequel. I think Sony just rushed it out too quick. Playing the original can quickly get rid of any desire to play the sequel.

Oh yea and those screenshots you posted the first 2 look REALLY weird. It looks like the cars are toy cars O.o;

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Well, the game is great, I love it and I'll probably play it for a year or more but... It's a niche genre, it's not a traditionnal racing game, or a formula 1 game or a WRC game. I also think it was released in the wrong period and it has to face well known games: cod, resistance, tomb raider, prince of persia, etc

Then there was no hype for this title and finally, the demo really really sucked, if it was the first time I played a motorstorm game, I wouldn't have bought it after playing the demo.

Don't forget that the first one was massivly bundled too, that's why we have a 3M+ for MS1 and that's why we expected more from this one.

But I think MS2 will have decent legs. It will break the million easily and it is already bundled too.

IMO, the perfect release date would have been late july, early augustus, it's a great game to play with friends and when you have time to do it.

For me it's one I might pick up later but it shouldn't have been released when it did IMHO.

I already have Motorstorm, Burnout, GT5:P and Ridge Racer 7 - so I don't need another racer/car game right now vs all the other interesting titles such as Fallout 3, LBP, etc.

Motorstorm 2 right now is a casualty of too many games releasing around each other in a genre already pretty well served on PS3.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

nordlead said:
The original Motorstorm was a launch title that sold poorly, and only did well because it was bundled with the console for a good portion of time. The sales for Pacific Rift, are actually only slightly behind what I expected for it.

Anyways, I've played the demo of this, and by far there are much better racers out there. I thought Pure was significantly better, and I'm sure there are other good off-road racers.

Colin McRae DiRT !!!!


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"no way in hell am I buying that when LBP and R2 just came out" - mentality of PS3 owners.

perpride said:
"no way in hell am I buying that when LBP and R2 just came out" - mentality of PS3 owners.


I think that's about it. I'll probably pick it up sometime next year wen it's price drops, but I'm not really that hyped for it. I have enough racers


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Retrasado said:
perpride said:
"no way in hell am I buying that when LBP, CoD:WaW and R2 just came out" - mentality of PS3 owners.


I think that's about it. I'll probably pick it up sometime next year wen it's price drops, but I'm not really that hyped for it. I have enough racers



Fixed to reflect current software sales

According to sales, PS3 owners seem to favor shooters over the other genres.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


They always choose the worst maps for the demo, that never really show what MS is really about.

Also, so many good games, I was almost going to get this, but, LBP and R2 just nudged in before it.

why is Motorstorm not selling that great?

Because it isn't that great of a game?

SpartanFX said:

so i wanna know if you got the first one(which seems alot of people did )why wouldn't you conisder getting this game?why didn't it sell better than what it did?will the sales improve as the time goes by?




I played the first one and it just wasn't very good. It only sold what it did because it was heavily hyped, it was bundled (the only reason I played it), and there wasn't much else on the console at the time.  That's what you get when you get a game that sells on something other than being fun.

I'm sure this one looks great but that doesn't mean it's actually fun.  It will sell some from the people that actually convinced themselves they liked the first one and some other people will buy it because it looks pretty but that's about it.  There are too many actually good games out there this time of the year for this game to sell well.

And I know you liked it, whoop-dee-do, there were even people that like Bomberman Zero.  Just because you like it better than better games in the genre doesn't make the game actually good or make your opinion a majority.