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why is Motorstorm not selling that great?

Because it isn't that great of a game?

SpartanFX said:

so i wanna know if you got the first one(which seems alot of people did )why wouldn't you conisder getting this game?why didn't it sell better than what it did?will the sales improve as the time goes by?




I played the first one and it just wasn't very good. It only sold what it did because it was heavily hyped, it was bundled (the only reason I played it), and there wasn't much else on the console at the time.  That's what you get when you get a game that sells on something other than being fun.

I'm sure this one looks great but that doesn't mean it's actually fun.  It will sell some from the people that actually convinced themselves they liked the first one and some other people will buy it because it looks pretty but that's about it.  There are too many actually good games out there this time of the year for this game to sell well.

And I know you liked it, whoop-dee-do, there were even people that like Bomberman Zero.  Just because you like it better than better games in the genre doesn't make the game actually good or make your opinion a majority.