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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Wii and third parties, what some people may not take into account

Onimusha12 said:
ITT: Let's bash the Wii and arguments for it completely unprovoked.

Seriously, with so many games selling millions on the HD consoles why do you now of all times feel the need to attack the fucking Wii which is relatively non-existant outside of hardware sales?

Where do you see wii bashing?


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I think you are starting with a conclusion and working backwards Esa-Petteri. Since Wii is an "expanded market" console and Mario Kart is successful on it, it must therefore be an "expanded market game," right? Does Mario KArt DS apply here too? Or when Wii games because very successful, they have their core and hardcore labels stripped to explain away their success on a console already labeled as such.

The main post presents a lot of arguments that Nintendo fans and supporters may not realize about he situation, but I think that there is one key thing he and third parties doesn't realize about the whole situation too. If third parties' main complaint is that Nintendo games dominate Wii, why are they electing to ruin their reputations on the console and basically give Nintendo the largest (currently) and fastest growing userbase in history all to themselves? Don't they NOT want a ridiculously strong Nintendo? So why strengthen the ever-living bejeesus out of them by ceding the Wii market totally to Nintendo and a select group of third parties? This is their big plan?

Everytime a Nintendo financial comes out these days, it shows Nintendo making more than the entire rest of the industry combined. A few more quarters of this and Nintendo may be the only game company left.

Rol and Dinomax had the best posts on this thread.
I agree with them.

Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
McStormy1 said:
People just need to accept (disappointed Nintendo fans included) that if you want "hard core", story driven and graphically high caliber games the system you're going to have to buy is an Xbox 360 or Ps3. For anyone who enjoys the features of high end visuals, details, strong narratives, long single player modes and vast multi player options the wii will not suffice as a console. while the DS has successfully become a jack of all trades, this is very unlikely to happen with the Wii as the HD consoles are already selling vast amounts of software (unlike the PSP) on a combined install base that is currently larger and will likely remain comparable for some time to that of the Wii.

The Wii2/HD may or may not bring the sort of casual-hardcore balance many gamers are hoping for, depending on how MS and Sony responds.

3-No not really, the consumer has clearly chosen the Wii as there system of choice so shouldn't developers cater to the MAJORITY of consumers?

How can honestly ANYONE defend this notion?  Seriously convince me.



Well they are, its just the majority of gamers do not want De-Blob or NMH.




No there not.  Unless your Marvelous, Capcom or SEGA there tending to release...

1- Games that are PS2 port counterparts.

You mean the best selling system of all time? If they don't got a GC engine they'd obviously have a PS2 engine.

2- Games not taking advantage of the systems specs or controls.

I've never seen a game released for the Wii which uses just the buttons and no motion/pointing. Also they don't have to release a game which takes advantage of the specifications, the cost/benifit there isn't quite so obvious as with the HD twins.

3-  Refusing to have main development teams work on them and hand them down to shoehorn developers.

The main development teams make core games generally. If they are better used on the PC/360/PS3 then thats where they'll be used.

4- Purposely advertise the 360 or PS3 version in commercials and slap on the logo after wards.

Perhaps theres a perception that the Wii userbase is difficult to advertise to. An Ubisoft executive came right out and said it. Unless they believe that a large percentage of the Wii userbase will respond to a game of course they won't advertise, advertising Niche games on a system makes no sense.

5- Release games LATER than the other systems release dates.

Music games and Pro Evolution soccer? Thats about all I can think of.

6- Still release games with technical issues.

Join the club, technical issues are a problem with all systems.

7- Giving your Wii release basically zero to none advertisement funding.

Niche games get no advertising. The games which people like to Wax lyrical over are niche games. Theres no doubt about it. Even if selling 500,000 copies makes a lot of money, its still niche on a system with 40 million consoles sold.


You call that trying? Also No More Heroes got a sequal due to its sales and Blue Tounge are very pleased with sales, hey look at that, the third partys that put in effort made a profit,  funny world we live in.




Replying to bolded.

1- Yeah too bad they have that little thing called the WII DEVELOPMENT KIT.  Using a PS2 engine nearly two years after the Wii's launch is simply using no effort. How can anyone justifie this?

2- Smash Bros Brawl, Guilty Gear, Mega Man 9, the entire virtual console  DING DING DING games found.  Saying they don't have to release games taking advantage of the specs is once again, not using effort considering its a lot easier to do so and cost a lot less to do so.  Also shoe horning motion controls can easily ruin a game because it doesn't control right.

3- Thats bullcrap.  There is no reason now when the Wii is soon going to be 50% of the console market, they are ignoring the majority of consumers in fact the main CORE AUDIANCE of console gamers this generation. 

4- Ubisoft also said there purposely making shovelware to FUND there 360 and PS3 titles.  Worst Company to use example there.  Having no advertisement for most of your products make no sense also, because hows the userbase meant to know WHEN YOU DON'T ADVERTISE?  Word of mouth can only go so far.  No More Heroes, Victorious Boxing, Zack and Wiki, De Blob  four solid titles for the Wii, secound to none advertisement.

5-  Still makes the point across, to once again ignore the majority of consumers is BAD BUSINESS. 

6- Oh yes because 360 and PS3 owners both had to return there copys of guitar hero due to sound stuck in mono.  Oh wait nothing on that scale has happened yet to PS3 or 360 owners. 

7- Guess great games I knew grewing up that didn't sell as well due to bad advertisement are all Niche too on the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube also. 

Seriously what kind of scapegoat argument is this, if the game is good it deserves attention, if your making a game and you want it too sell you have to advertise it.  Advertisement can make absolute garbage game sell because it does what its meant to do, TELL PEOPLE IT EXISTS.  Its even more amazing that the games weve mentioned lived on by word of mouth but its NOT OUR JOBS TO SELL THERE PRODUCT.


I asked if how is it a good idea to ignore the majority of costumers and all you'v shown is ""Yeah well its ok, because its ummm Niche and ummm the developers are in there natural enviroment and ummmm did I say Niche?""

Thats not an answer, the fact is, its not a good idea, hell ever consider, ignore the majority of consumers.  Could you imagine if they pulled this during the PS2 era?  Oh course not. 






Dinomax said:
Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:



No there not.  Unless your Marvelous, Capcom or SEGA there tending to release...

1- Games that are PS2 port counterparts.

You mean the best selling system of all time? If they don't got a GC engine they'd obviously have a PS2 engine.

2- Games not taking advantage of the systems specs or controls.

I've never seen a game released for the Wii which uses just the buttons and no motion/pointing. Also they don't have to release a game which takes advantage of the specifications, the cost/benifit there isn't quite so obvious as with the HD twins.

3-  Refusing to have main development teams work on them and hand them down to shoehorn developers.

The main development teams make core games generally. If they are better used on the PC/360/PS3 then thats where they'll be used.

4- Purposely advertise the 360 or PS3 version in commercials and slap on the logo after wards.

Perhaps theres a perception that the Wii userbase is difficult to advertise to. An Ubisoft executive came right out and said it. Unless they believe that a large percentage of the Wii userbase will respond to a game of course they won't advertise, advertising Niche games on a system makes no sense.

5- Release games LATER than the other systems release dates.

Music games and Pro Evolution soccer? Thats about all I can think of.

6- Still release games with technical issues.

Join the club, technical issues are a problem with all systems.

7- Giving your Wii release basically zero to none advertisement funding.

Niche games get no advertising. The games which people like to Wax lyrical over are niche games. Theres no doubt about it. Even if selling 500,000 copies makes a lot of money, its still niche on a system with 40 million consoles sold.


You call that trying? Also No More Heroes got a sequal due to its sales and Blue Tounge are very pleased with sales, hey look at that, the third partys that put in effort made a profit,  funny world we live in.




Replying to bolded.

1- Yeah too bad they have that little thing called the WII DEVELOPMENT KIT.  Using a PS2 engine nearly two years after the Wii's launch is simply using no effort. How can anyone justifie this?

95% of development is reusing code other people have written. If it works, they will reuse it. Its pretty much as simple as that! Its like using the old hammer because it works about as well as a new hammer.

2- Smash Bros Brawl, Guilty Gear, Mega Man 9, the entire virtual console  DING DING DING games found.  Saying they don't have to release games taking advantage of the specs is once again, not using effort considering its a lot easier to do so and cost a lot less to do so.  Also shoe horning motion controls can easily ruin a game because it doesn't control right.

Pointing, Tilt work well, motion doesn't. If you don't like waggle blame Nintendo.

3- Thats bullcrap.  There is no reason now when the Wii is soon going to be 50% of the console market, they are ignoring the majority of consumers in fact the main CORE AUDIANCE of console gamers this generation. 

Not 50% of the development market these teams target.

4- Ubisoft also said there purposely making shovelware to FUND there 360 and PS3 titles.  Worst Company to use example there.  Having no advertisement for most of your products make no sense also, because hows the userbase meant to know WHEN YOU DON'T ADVERTISE?  Word of mouth can only go so far.  No More Heroes, Victorious Boxing, Zack and Wiki, De Blob  four solid titles for the Wii, secound to none advertisement.

Why advertise niche games? To even have an impact they'd have to spend far more on advertising than development. To be honest, would you spend that much?

5-  Still makes the point across, to once again ignore the majority of consumers is BAD BUSINESS. 

Not a majority, a large minority. They're not being ignored, its just that the publishers are releasing games you don't like so they don't count.

6- Oh yes because 360 and PS3 owners both had to return there copys of guitar hero due to sound stuck in mono.  Oh wait nothing on that scale has happened yet to PS3 or 360 owners. 

360 owners had to return their consoles, next question?

7- Guess great games I knew grewing up that didn't sell as well due to bad advertisement are all Niche too on the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube also. 

Quite possibly, theres no point advertising something when you can't be sure you're targeting the right market.

Seriously what kind of scapegoat argument is this, if the game is good it deserves attention, if your making a game and you want it too sell you have to advertise it.  Advertisement can make absolute garbage game sell because it does what its meant to do, TELL PEOPLE IT EXISTS.  Its even more amazing that the games weve mentioned lived on by word of mouth but its NOT OUR JOBS TO SELL THERE PRODUCT.

Development cost for test case type game: $6 million.

Advertisement cost to even make a splash: $12 million (Thats a typical HD game advertisement budget)

So yes! Lets just tripple the cost on a game we're not fully sure about... how awesome!


I asked if how is it a good idea to ignore the majority of costumers and all you'v shown is ""Yeah well its ok, because its ummm Niche and ummm the developers are in there natural enviroment and ummmm did I say Niche?""

Err they're not, the're ignoring you. Theres a difference.

Thats not an answer, the fact is, its not a good idea, hell ever consider, ignore the majority of consumers.  Could you imagine if they pulled this during the PS2 era?  Oh course not. 

The PS2 was aparantly "cool".









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Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:



No there not.  Unless your Marvelous, Capcom or SEGA there tending to release...

1- Games that are PS2 port counterparts.

You mean the best selling system of all time? If they don't got a GC engine they'd obviously have a PS2 engine.

2- Games not taking advantage of the systems specs or controls.

I've never seen a game released for the Wii which uses just the buttons and no motion/pointing. Also they don't have to release a game which takes advantage of the specifications, the cost/benifit there isn't quite so obvious as with the HD twins.

3-  Refusing to have main development teams work on them and hand them down to shoehorn developers.

The main development teams make core games generally. If they are better used on the PC/360/PS3 then thats where they'll be used.

4- Purposely advertise the 360 or PS3 version in commercials and slap on the logo after wards.

Perhaps theres a perception that the Wii userbase is difficult to advertise to. An Ubisoft executive came right out and said it. Unless they believe that a large percentage of the Wii userbase will respond to a game of course they won't advertise, advertising Niche games on a system makes no sense.

5- Release games LATER than the other systems release dates.

Music games and Pro Evolution soccer? Thats about all I can think of.

6- Still release games with technical issues.

Join the club, technical issues are a problem with all systems.

7- Giving your Wii release basically zero to none advertisement funding.

Niche games get no advertising. The games which people like to Wax lyrical over are niche games. Theres no doubt about it. Even if selling 500,000 copies makes a lot of money, its still niche on a system with 40 million consoles sold.


You call that trying? Also No More Heroes got a sequal due to its sales and Blue Tounge are very pleased with sales, hey look at that, the third partys that put in effort made a profit,  funny world we live in.




Replying to bolded.

1- Yeah too bad they have that little thing called the WII DEVELOPMENT KIT.  Using a PS2 engine nearly two years after the Wii's launch is simply using no effort. How can anyone justifie this?

95% of development is reusing code other people have written. If it works, they will reuse it. Its pretty much as simple as that! Its like using the old hammer because it works about as well as a new hammer.

2- Smash Bros Brawl, Guilty Gear, Mega Man 9, the entire virtual console  DING DING DING games found.  Saying they don't have to release games taking advantage of the specs is once again, not using effort considering its a lot easier to do so and cost a lot less to do so.  Also shoe horning motion controls can easily ruin a game because it doesn't control right.

Pointing, Tilt work well, motion doesn't. If you don't like waggle blame Nintendo.

3- Thats bullcrap.  There is no reason now when the Wii is soon going to be 50% of the console market, they are ignoring the majority of consumers in fact the main CORE AUDIANCE of console gamers this generation. 

Not 50% of the development market these teams target.

4- Ubisoft also said there purposely making shovelware to FUND there 360 and PS3 titles.  Worst Company to use example there.  Having no advertisement for most of your products make no sense also, because hows the userbase meant to know WHEN YOU DON'T ADVERTISE?  Word of mouth can only go so far.  No More Heroes, Victorious Boxing, Zack and Wiki, De Blob  four solid titles for the Wii, secound to none advertisement.

Why advertise niche games? To even have an impact they'd have to spend far more on advertising than development. To be honest, would you spend that much?

5-  Still makes the point across, to once again ignore the majority of consumers is BAD BUSINESS. 

Not a majority, a large minority. They're not being ignored, its just that the publishers are releasing games you don't like so they don't count.

6- Oh yes because 360 and PS3 owners both had to return there copys of guitar hero due to sound stuck in mono.  Oh wait nothing on that scale has happened yet to PS3 or 360 owners. 

360 owners had to return their consoles, next question?

7- Guess great games I knew grewing up that didn't sell as well due to bad advertisement are all Niche too on the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube also. 

Quite possibly, theres no point advertising something when you can't be sure you're targeting the right market.

Seriously what kind of scapegoat argument is this, if the game is good it deserves attention, if your making a game and you want it too sell you have to advertise it.  Advertisement can make absolute garbage game sell because it does what its meant to do, TELL PEOPLE IT EXISTS.  Its even more amazing that the games weve mentioned lived on by word of mouth but its NOT OUR JOBS TO SELL THERE PRODUCT.

Development cost for test case type game: $6 million.

Advertisement cost to even make a splash: $12 million (Thats a typical HD game advertisement budget)

So yes! Lets just tripple the cost on a game we're not fully sure about... how awesome!


I asked if how is it a good idea to ignore the majority of costumers and all you'v shown is ""Yeah well its ok, because its ummm Niche and ummm the developers are in there natural enviroment and ummmm did I say Niche?""

Err they're not, the're ignoring you. Theres a difference.

Thats not an answer, the fact is, its not a good idea, hell ever consider, ignore the majority of consumers.  Could you imagine if they pulled this during the PS2 era?  Oh course not. 

The PS2 was aparantly "cool".









1- Too bad the old hammer doesn't  work as well as the new hammer, which is what happens the majority of time for these ports.  So whats the excuse now? 

2- Can't really blame Nintendo, there games actually work and be responsive.

3- Because we have an a top developing team, with a lot of marketing and effort released on the Wii other than Nintendo right? Oh wait, were stilling waiting for Monster Hunter. 

4- I would want it to sell.  50 Cent's game cost more to advertise and royalities than actually develop and low and behold it sold a million and getting a sequal.  See the ig picture here?

5- Apparently no one else likes them considering Ubisoft the biggest offender posted LOSES than actual profit. 

6-  Did I mention Hardware?  No?  Move along.

7-  Then theres no point of working in any industry if your not willing to advertise.  You think any big business you can think of right now got there by not advertising?  

8- More people buy the game because they actually know it exists!  That shows publishers we can make a game that can sell, thus giving us money to work on the next game which makes us keep our jobs!  AWESOME!

9- Yes because I'm the ONLY person to complain about poor third party support you the Wii.  Well done there slugger.

10- So was the Sega Genesis.




It's Funny, almost all the serious third party support is going in the 360's direction and people still feel threatened by the Wii.

You've convinced yourselves that all the games worth playing this generation are HD.

You've convinced yourselves that only families and casuals buy the Wii.

We see nothing more riveting than Monster Hunter 3 over the horizon for the Wii while major AAA title after title is lined up for the HD platforms.

So what in the hell is there still to be threatened about with the Wii? Why is a thread like this necessary. The primary reason anyone cares about hardware sales is because the more a console sells the more games it is likely to get. But since the 360 is at least getting all the games you care about, the issue of hardware sales becomes moot this generation! And since you've convinced yourself the Wii is only selling to Casuals and Families, what pride is there to be lost in being outsold by the Wii, it's not like the 360 is losing street cred.

The answer seems obvious. You are not content with the 360's or HD Gaming's current situation. Either you:

1. Pointlessly want to see the 360 sell the most everywhere despite the fact its still getting every HD game worth caring about this generation and delivering everything you could possibly want in a gaming experience.

2. Recognize the growing irrelevancy of single platform devotion as a result of precarious symbiotic multiplatform relationship between the 360/PS3/PC necessary to make HD gaming work and are lashing out at the one platform that has truly remained unique unto itself, the Wii.

3. Are not truly satisfied with the narrow cross section of genres and franchises that are being put on the HD platforms and feel the need to lash out at something.

4. Realize this golden age of the 360 and Nintendo-free HD gaming is but a brief interlude as the Wii and Nintendo continue to amass power and influence ushering in what will most likely be a next gen dominated completely by Nintendo. And to put these fears to rest create threads like these offer yourself a cathartic outlet to help put your mind at ease on the matter by getting like minded individuals to bolster what you want to believe.

Either way, considering Pro-Wii 'spin-doctoring'/bragging threads are the scarcest they've ever been since the Wii first came out (in fact most wii loyalists have gone multiplatform or are just flat out silent these days) and the 360 is perhaps doing the best its ever done right now the only rational conclusion anyone can deduce for the underlying motivations behind such a thread as this is that you are not satisfied with the current state of the 360 and HD gaming in general.


Sorry I can not take this thread serious. :)

There is obviously much Third Party support in 2009. Look for example on Mad World, The Conduit, Sonic and the Black Knight, Cursed Mountain, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, Endless Ocean 2, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Overlord: Dark Legend, Little Kings Story, Deadly Creatures, Monster Hunter 3, House of Dead: Overkill and many many more potentially great games.

That's all to say about that.
