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I think you are starting with a conclusion and working backwards Esa-Petteri. Since Wii is an "expanded market" console and Mario Kart is successful on it, it must therefore be an "expanded market game," right? Does Mario KArt DS apply here too? Or when Wii games because very successful, they have their core and hardcore labels stripped to explain away their success on a console already labeled as such.

The main post presents a lot of arguments that Nintendo fans and supporters may not realize about he situation, but I think that there is one key thing he and third parties doesn't realize about the whole situation too. If third parties' main complaint is that Nintendo games dominate Wii, why are they electing to ruin their reputations on the console and basically give Nintendo the largest (currently) and fastest growing userbase in history all to themselves? Don't they NOT want a ridiculously strong Nintendo? So why strengthen the ever-living bejeesus out of them by ceding the Wii market totally to Nintendo and a select group of third parties? This is their big plan?

Everytime a Nintendo financial comes out these days, it shows Nintendo making more than the entire rest of the industry combined. A few more quarters of this and Nintendo may be the only game company left.