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It's Funny, almost all the serious third party support is going in the 360's direction and people still feel threatened by the Wii.

You've convinced yourselves that all the games worth playing this generation are HD.

You've convinced yourselves that only families and casuals buy the Wii.

We see nothing more riveting than Monster Hunter 3 over the horizon for the Wii while major AAA title after title is lined up for the HD platforms.

So what in the hell is there still to be threatened about with the Wii? Why is a thread like this necessary. The primary reason anyone cares about hardware sales is because the more a console sells the more games it is likely to get. But since the 360 is at least getting all the games you care about, the issue of hardware sales becomes moot this generation! And since you've convinced yourself the Wii is only selling to Casuals and Families, what pride is there to be lost in being outsold by the Wii, it's not like the 360 is losing street cred.

The answer seems obvious. You are not content with the 360's or HD Gaming's current situation. Either you:

1. Pointlessly want to see the 360 sell the most everywhere despite the fact its still getting every HD game worth caring about this generation and delivering everything you could possibly want in a gaming experience.

2. Recognize the growing irrelevancy of single platform devotion as a result of precarious symbiotic multiplatform relationship between the 360/PS3/PC necessary to make HD gaming work and are lashing out at the one platform that has truly remained unique unto itself, the Wii.

3. Are not truly satisfied with the narrow cross section of genres and franchises that are being put on the HD platforms and feel the need to lash out at something.

4. Realize this golden age of the 360 and Nintendo-free HD gaming is but a brief interlude as the Wii and Nintendo continue to amass power and influence ushering in what will most likely be a next gen dominated completely by Nintendo. And to put these fears to rest create threads like these offer yourself a cathartic outlet to help put your mind at ease on the matter by getting like minded individuals to bolster what you want to believe.

Either way, considering Pro-Wii 'spin-doctoring'/bragging threads are the scarcest they've ever been since the Wii first came out (in fact most wii loyalists have gone multiplatform or are just flat out silent these days) and the 360 is perhaps doing the best its ever done right now the only rational conclusion anyone can deduce for the underlying motivations behind such a thread as this is that you are not satisfied with the current state of the 360 and HD gaming in general.