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Fumanchu said:
I think the optical drive will be a big umming and ahhing point for them next gen. Should they include a blu-ray drive they can't expect much 'forward compatibility' and will pretty much kill off the 360 or at least they'll be a lot more PS3/next xbox exclusives...but then if they don't include it I think some of the devs focussed on the HD experience will be forced to boycott the system as we've already read several complaints on the DVD space limitation.

So yeah including it plays into Sony's hands of a longer lifespan of the PS3 and not including it potentially means less games.

You are so wrong in so many ways...

The Blu-Ray drive is so last-gen. It is already on the market for two years and is really struggling. There is no innovation in it anymore.

The Blu-Ray is a wonderful thing for Microsoft because it is going to ball-chain Sony to a high cost structure for a long time. Microsoft should instead forgo all physical media (including the DVD - make it optional) and enjoy a superior cost structure.

Instead, Microsoft should just go with online downloads. It allows them a brand new business model of premium subscriptions (think gamefly online or netflix "watch instantly"), eliminate piracy (no DVDs to copy), and unlimited media storage capacity (it is streamed online anyway).


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Around the Network
Munkeh111 said:
@ amirnetz, the only sports games that I play are Pro Evo, and the cricket games, and I barely think that 3D would help. I also play the real versions of those games, so 3D wont feel that special, it just does not really interest me

I am very happy with gaming as it is, it does not need that much innovation, just some more evolution, LBP is certainly a good start

Good for you and good for Microosft.

Remember - Microsoft is perfectly happy if you decide to stay on the 360 and not upgrade further. In fact with the proposed "forward compatibility" promise you will be able to enjoy on the 360 all of the new games that will come out for the new Xbox and you'll miss nothing (Except 3D, that you are not interested in anyway). You will be able to enjoy your existing 360 investment for 10+ years, getting a regular supply of new games and allowing Microsoft to earn their royalties from the studios when you choose to buy the new games. 


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

I really hope M$ don't abandon dics entirely, I still like owning my games. When given a choice, I will take the disc version nearly every time (price can also be a factor). I still don't think the capability is there to go all downloads or streaming. Assuming most games next gen are 10-15GB, then most hardcore gamers would be looking to store above 20, so you would need a 200-300 HDD, and I would think those would not be that cheap in a few years. You also have to take account of the fact that there are a significant number of people who don't have internet access on their console, or have an unreliable one. I just don't think the world is ready for a console without discs

amirnetz said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ amirnetz, the only sports games that I play are Pro Evo, and the cricket games, and I barely think that 3D would help. I also play the real versions of those games, so 3D wont feel that special, it just does not really interest me

I am very happy with gaming as it is, it does not need that much innovation, just some more evolution, LBP is certainly a good start

Good for you and good for Microosft.

Remember - Microsoft is perfectly happy if you decide to stay on the 360 and not upgrade further. In fact with the proposed "forward compatibility" promise you will be able to enjoy on the 360 all of the new games that will come out for the new Xbox and you'll miss nothing (Except 3D, that you are not interested in anyway). You will be able to enjoy your existing 360 investment for 10+ years, getting a regular supply of new games and allowing Microsoft to earn their royalties from the studios when you choose to buy the new games. 


Well I intend to get a 720 1st day, so M$ will probably be quite happy about that, I just don't think there is that much need to move into 3D.  HD still doesn't have an extremely wide adoption rate, so I doubt that ammount of TVs that have 3D are going to be anything significant in a few years time, I just don't want M$ to abandon the joypad

halogamer1989 said:

The problem with this is Sega already tried it with Genesis and you see where that got them. Innovation must be revolutionary, not evolutionary in a capitalist competition. They will not allow for cross platform storage to PC as this encourages piracy. I could see cloud storage on MS servers, however.

The new console is already in talks to have future compatibility but it will not reduce appearance due to new tech, it will enhance the existing game library, ie draw distances, new additions.

Any console or PC includes a fan--it is how you cool a build. Unless MS creates nanobot cooling on the mobo, expect a fan-based system.


Blue: Agree, this is why I am proposing that the innovation must not from more graphical power (evolution) but from different and more radical experiences (revolusion).

Black: Not true. You can store 99% of the info on the PC and have the last 1% stay local to the 360. The 99% is useless without the last 1% so no piracy. Also, with on-line only distribution the whole notion of piracy kind of goes away.

Green: Not true. It really depends on the frequencies and the micro-architecture. The iPhone does not have a fan although it is as capable as the original Xbox in terms of computing power. A 32 nm processor will run much cooler than a 90nm processor.

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Around the Network

MS need to have at least a DVD drive to allow you to play 360 games on the next console.

320gb 2.5" HDDs cost £40 trade at the moment, so in a few years they should be very cheap indeed, esp as MS will buy millions at a time.

Mistershine said:
MS need to have at least a DVD drive to allow you to play 360 games on the next console.

320gb 2.5" HDDs cost £40 trade at the moment, so in a few years they should be very cheap indeed, esp as MS will buy millions at a time.

Really, I thought they were far more expenisve....

Munkeh111 said:

Well I intend to get a 720 1st day, so M$ will probably be quite happy about that, I just don't think there is that much need to move into 3D.  HD still doesn't have an extremely wide adoption rate, so I doubt that ammount of TVs that have 3D are going to be anything significant in a few years time, I just don't want M$ to abandon the joypad


 Just to be clear:

  1. Microsoft is not going to drop the joy-pad. I don't propose it and it goes against my principles of "hardcore is where the money is" and "don't disrupt you existing base".
  2. You don't need a special TV for 3D. You need special goggles.

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Munkeh111 said:
Mistershine said:
MS need to have at least a DVD drive to allow you to play 360 games on the next console.

320gb 2.5" HDDs cost £40 trade at the moment, so in a few years they should be very cheap indeed, esp as MS will buy millions at a time.

Really, I thought they were far more expenisve....


 No, which makes it even more annoying that I can't just chuck one in my 360.

amirnetz said:
Fumanchu said:
I think the optical drive will be a big umming and ahhing point for them next gen. Should they include a blu-ray drive they can't expect much 'forward compatibility' and will pretty much kill off the 360 or at least they'll be a lot more PS3/next xbox exclusives...but then if they don't include it I think some of the devs focussed on the HD experience will be forced to boycott the system as we've already read several complaints on the DVD space limitation.

So yeah including it plays into Sony's hands of a longer lifespan of the PS3 and not including it potentially means less games.

You are so wrong in so many ways...

The Blu-Ray drive is so last-gen. It is already on the market for two years and is really struggling. There is no innovation in it anymore.

The Blu-Ray is a wonderful thing for Microsoft because it is going to ball-chain Sony to a high cost structure for a long time. Microsoft should instead forgo all physical media (including the DVD - make it optional) and enjoy a superior cost structure.

Instead, Microsoft should just go with online downloads. It allows them a brand new business model of premium subscriptions (think gamefly online or netflix "watch instantly"), eliminate piracy (no DVDs to copy), and unlimited media storage capacity (it is streamed online anyway).


The problem with that is not everyone has high speed broadband Internet and downloading games above 10gigs would put alot of plans at risk of exceeding monthly download usage.  This also puts your proposed 40GB SDD drive under much stress as the OS plus 2 games could maxed it out.  They then would have to include the HDD standard with all models and that negates the price of including an optical drive + some.  In America it probably wouldn't do so bad, but they're WW devices and alot of countries don't have great ISP plans.