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Fumanchu said:
I think the optical drive will be a big umming and ahhing point for them next gen. Should they include a blu-ray drive they can't expect much 'forward compatibility' and will pretty much kill off the 360 or at least they'll be a lot more PS3/next xbox exclusives...but then if they don't include it I think some of the devs focussed on the HD experience will be forced to boycott the system as we've already read several complaints on the DVD space limitation.

So yeah including it plays into Sony's hands of a longer lifespan of the PS3 and not including it potentially means less games.

You are so wrong in so many ways...

The Blu-Ray drive is so last-gen. It is already on the market for two years and is really struggling. There is no innovation in it anymore.

The Blu-Ray is a wonderful thing for Microsoft because it is going to ball-chain Sony to a high cost structure for a long time. Microsoft should instead forgo all physical media (including the DVD - make it optional) and enjoy a superior cost structure.

Instead, Microsoft should just go with online downloads. It allows them a brand new business model of premium subscriptions (think gamefly online or netflix "watch instantly"), eliminate piracy (no DVDs to copy), and unlimited media storage capacity (it is streamed online anyway).


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3