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halogamer1989 said:

The problem with this is Sega already tried it with Genesis and you see where that got them. Innovation must be revolutionary, not evolutionary in a capitalist competition. They will not allow for cross platform storage to PC as this encourages piracy. I could see cloud storage on MS servers, however.

The new console is already in talks to have future compatibility but it will not reduce appearance due to new tech, it will enhance the existing game library, ie draw distances, new additions.

Any console or PC includes a fan--it is how you cool a build. Unless MS creates nanobot cooling on the mobo, expect a fan-based system.


Blue: Agree, this is why I am proposing that the innovation must not from more graphical power (evolution) but from different and more radical experiences (revolusion).

Black: Not true. You can store 99% of the info on the PC and have the last 1% stay local to the 360. The 99% is useless without the last 1% so no piracy. Also, with on-line only distribution the whole notion of piracy kind of goes away.

Green: Not true. It really depends on the frequencies and the micro-architecture. The iPhone does not have a fan although it is as capable as the original Xbox in terms of computing power. A 32 nm processor will run much cooler than a 90nm processor.

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3