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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 IGN beta impressions

Thechalkblock said:
I cut the Resistance 2 advertisement out, no more suspicion haha.


And how do I know it's gone?  I could never see it in the first place!

Tbh, I don't trust you.  >_>

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makingmusic476 said:
Thechalkblock said:
I cut the Resistance 2 advertisement out, no more suspicion haha.


And how do I know it's gone?  I could never see it in the first place!

Tbh, I don't trust you.  >_>


Hah well I can't prove it is gone if you never saw it in the first place, so thats's too bad.

Thechalkblock said:
makingmusic476 said:
Thechalkblock said:
I cut the Resistance 2 advertisement out, no more suspicion haha.


And how do I know it's gone?  I could never see it in the first place!

Tbh, I don't trust you.  >_>


Hah well I can't prove it is gone if you never saw it in the first place, so thats's too bad.

Yeah, it's gone. I confirm it!


There are always doubters. I hate doubters.

Anybody get that reference?

OT: Killzone 2 will be huge! It's a 3D online FPS!
When are they going to expand the beta and where do I sign up?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I will be the first to get it at my local store :D

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


Around the Network

"We get the distinct impression that Sony, after the guffawing of the gaming community post-E3 2005, demanded that Killzone 2 match up to that infamous CG trailer - regardless of the development time or expense. What we're seeing and playing today is the end result of that self-righteous rage, and we absolutely love it."

That's a great line, and probably not far off what was happening behind closed doors at SCE after E3 2005.


bbsin said:
Thechalkblock said:
makingmusic476 said:
Thechalkblock said:
I cut the Resistance 2 advertisement out, no more suspicion haha.


And how do I know it's gone? I could never see it in the first place!

Tbh, I don't trust you. >_>


Hah well I can't prove it is gone if you never saw it in the first place, so thats's too bad.

Yeah, it's gone. I confirm it!


Thank you haha.


no game on any other console can match this in visuals..........

resistance 2, then onto socom(its now patched) then onto killzone so glad i have my ps3

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk said:

no game on any other console can match this in visuals..........

resistance 2, then onto socom(its now patched) then onto killzone so glad i have my ps3


Socom was patched? Sweet! And yes the visuals are beyond great.

Thechalkblock said:
Skeeuk said:

no game on any other console can match this in visuals..........

resistance 2, then onto socom(its now patched) then onto killzone so glad i have my ps3


Socom was patched? Sweet! And yes the visuals are beyond great.

yes theres a huge 1.20 patch (500meg ive been told) which  fixes all the issues that fanboy reviewers dug into, the game is great lots of my friends play it all the time, and there will always be players online with that game. its worth an 8.0 - 8.5.......because its multiplayer only, but its a worthy purchase anyday................... the reviewers that gave it 4`s and 5`s are wrong, the game that u play now isnt corresponding to them specific reviews.

plus developers are going to continue support wth it improving the game, its a must buy at only £29,99 from game with the new headset.

regarding killzone 2, its looking superb, feb-march it shouldnt have any compitition on the shelfs


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...