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Forums - Gaming Discussion - if all the systems were the same price which one would sell the most?

Everyone seems to be dodge'n the fact that 3rd party support for the Wii equals ____.....

Point across i guess it would be...

Family Fun >>> Godly 3rd party support >>> Price >>>> Sales!


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I think the PS3 would be selling the most.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"


Bolded 1) It does matter, Wii is first. The superior console is always the best choice, and Wii is proof of that.

Bolded 2) Porsche.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

The ps3


mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"

So what you're saying is that the PS3 is a Porsche, and the Wii is a Kia. Hmm

By the way, LOL at your 2008 predictions.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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trestres said:
mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"


Bolded 1) It does matter, Wii is first. The superior console is always the best choice, and Wii is proof of that.

Bolded 2) Porsche.


 In what way is it superior?



heres a poll for the thread

edit: the poll got screwed up


yes its a joke

trestres said:
mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"


Bolded 1) It does matter, Wii is first. The superior console is always the best choice, and Wii is proof of that.

Bolded 2) Porsche.


 @Bolded Superior in sales, yes, in games and 3rd party support aswell as Hi res (720p, 1080p) for HDTV's?  ...

Edit: Updated due to technical issues.




RolStoppable said:
leo-j said:
trestres said:

Bolded 1) It does matter, Wii is first. The superior console is always the best choice, and Wii is proof of that.

Bolded 2) Porsche.

 In what way is it superior?

You can scratch yourself during gameplay without having to go off the analog stick and buttons.

Its called, moving the controller to my body to scratch myself =)


