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trestres said:
mrstickball said:
The Wii.

Why? It's selling more, revenue wise, than the Playstation 3 is by massively wide margins. It's passed the Rubicon in terms of "dominant console".

Even the Playstation 3 at a $250 price point would not topple the Wii, because the Wii is the go-to console. Microsoft proved that even though a $200 price point can certainly boost sales, that even having the superior console doesn't matter - consumers at large made their choice. And Word of Mouth will drive sales since the Wii is so prevalent in the consumer's eye.

Now, if all consoles were equal today, I am sure the PS3/X360 would sell much closer to the Wii, but they would not overtake the Wii. Maybe 2 years ago, when this started, the Playstation 3 would sell the most - but of course, your asking the dumbest question in the book - "What would sell better - a Porche at a Kia price, or a Kia at a Kia price?"


Bolded 1) It does matter, Wii is first. The superior console is always the best choice, and Wii is proof of that.

Bolded 2) Porsche.


 @Bolded Superior in sales, yes, in games and 3rd party support aswell as Hi res (720p, 1080p) for HDTV's?  ...