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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBPSP, Uncharted 2 and Price Cuts coming to a PS platform near you! (Rumor)

kirby007 said:
I will keep out of this cause anything i will say will be trolling


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DMeisterJ said:
kirby007 said:
I will keep out of this cause anything i will say will be trolling



 You could learn by example. /joking


crumas2 said:
perpride said:

Suddenly the grim future of the PSP is starting to look a lot better. Motorstorm, Resistance, LBP, Dissidia, Agito...and I thought the handheld was dead!

I have to say I am seriously looking forward to hearing about Uncharted 2. I could care less about a new entry into the Jak series, Uncharted fucking pwns.

Also, if the rumors about the price cut are true (and it turns out to be a WW price cut), we should start seeing "360 is dead" threads back on the website by early April.

I agree with most of your post, but I hope you're wrong about the "360 is dead" threads.  I'm growing tired of the "my console can beat up your console" threads.


 I hope so too...but I doubt it. I never thought we would see the "PS3 is dead" threads again. I seem to remember everybody starting to accept that it was here to stay. Sure enough, the second the 360 started leading weekly sales again, they came back.

Uncharted in 2009 would make it as big of a year for PS3 as it was this year.

I can't wait for God of War III.
If Sony gets both Killzone 2, God of War III, Trico, GT5 and Uncharted 2 out in 2009, they will have a huge year.

Don't forget final fantasy XIII for japan ^^

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perpride said:
crumas2 said:
perpride said:

Suddenly the grim future of the PSP is starting to look a lot better. Motorstorm, Resistance, LBP, Dissidia, Agito...and I thought the handheld was dead!

I have to say I am seriously looking forward to hearing about Uncharted 2. I could care less about a new entry into the Jak series, Uncharted fucking pwns.

Also, if the rumors about the price cut are true (and it turns out to be a WW price cut), we should start seeing "360 is dead" threads back on the website by early April.

I agree with most of your post, but I hope you're wrong about the "360 is dead" threads.  I'm growing tired of the "my console can beat up your console" threads.


 I hope so too...but I doubt it. I never thought we would see the "PS3 is dead" threads again. I seem to remember everybody starting to accept that it was here to stay. Sure enough, the second the 360 started leading weekly sales again, they came back.

Uncharted in 2009 would make it as big of a year for PS3 as it was this year.


Bigger.  The ps3 had no exclusive releases whatsoever for the first half of this year, up until Haze (lol) in May.

Next year, Killzone 2 kicks things off with a bang.  InFamous hits in May, and White Knight Chronicles should be localized somewhere in there as well.

Then God of War III, Uncharted 2, and Ratchet & Clank Future 2 will close up the year, along with the probable releases of Gran Turismo 5 and MAG.

Am I the only one hoping that Uncharted 2 has competitive and co op MP?

Co-op would be cool. Competitive? Entirely unnecessary, imo, and I would rather they spend their time and resources perfecting the SP experience.

I would love a really innovative co-op experience. Maybe have player 2 control Elena, and have her tasked with taking pictures and stuff.

Given my own personal rumor debacle. I have to say I am reluctant to give this rumor much credence. Firstly it makes no fiscal sense to me given the state of the economy. I cannot conceive of Sony committing to a retail price reduction time line without first examining their holiday sales situation. Before committing to any serious price reductions on their console. I will say it again it does not matter how much profit Sony has to cut into for the PS3. What matters is how the company as a whole performs. They may very well need to retain more profit from gaming.

Secondly Microsoft is fast to muddy the waters for Sony. Microsoft loves to announce future price cutting from Sony. That is always a good way to decrease sales. So if this rumor was true. I would expect nothing less from Microsoft then to have executives talking up the future price cut from Sony. For no other reason then to hurt sales during the interim.

Thirdly this requires no special knowledge. The greatest of lies use elements of truth. Knowing that a meeting took place is not special knowledge in fact it is known by hundreds or even thousands. This source needs to be credited with a few more successful blurbs before they are taken seriously.

makingmusic476 said:

Co-op would be cool. Competitive? Entirely unnecessary, imo, and I would rather they spend their time and resources perfecting the SP experience.

I would love a really innovative co-op experience. Maybe have player 2 control Elena, and have her tasked with taking pictures and stuff.

Honestly that would kind of suck, no one would want to play as Elena.
I'm not suggesting they jeopardize the SP just for the sake of MP, but the engine is already in place and there were 2 main criticisms of Uncharted, 1) Length, 2)Lack of MP, a cool small MP experience, up to 12 players at the most, more likely 8-10 would be great. And a nice creative co-op would be welcomed too.