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Given my own personal rumor debacle. I have to say I am reluctant to give this rumor much credence. Firstly it makes no fiscal sense to me given the state of the economy. I cannot conceive of Sony committing to a retail price reduction time line without first examining their holiday sales situation. Before committing to any serious price reductions on their console. I will say it again it does not matter how much profit Sony has to cut into for the PS3. What matters is how the company as a whole performs. They may very well need to retain more profit from gaming.

Secondly Microsoft is fast to muddy the waters for Sony. Microsoft loves to announce future price cutting from Sony. That is always a good way to decrease sales. So if this rumor was true. I would expect nothing less from Microsoft then to have executives talking up the future price cut from Sony. For no other reason then to hurt sales during the interim.

Thirdly this requires no special knowledge. The greatest of lies use elements of truth. Knowing that a meeting took place is not special knowledge in fact it is known by hundreds or even thousands. This source needs to be credited with a few more successful blurbs before they are taken seriously.