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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBPSP, Uncharted 2 and Price Cuts coming to a PS platform near you! (Rumor)

makingmusic476 said:
PDF said:
A PS3 price cut in Q1/Q2 of next year will greatly affect Squilliam


Actually he was predicting a price cut for February to coincide with KZ2 yesterday on Steam.

Seems he was off by a month. :/

Yep! I was predicting the PS3 would have a $50 price cut in early 2009 for Americas because if they leave it too late the horse would have already bolted. I think Others will recieve its price cut in September 2009 or so, they need Others to subsidise the American price cut because they need to show a profit especially in this economic climate.

The question is, will Microsoft respond to a PS3 price cut immediately? If they do it'll go something like $175/180 Arcade and $250 Premium and $350 Elite to maintain that 2:1 ratio between the Arcade SKU and the PS3s lowest model. It really depends on how aggressive Microsoft wants to be, they still haven't factored in the Jasper shrink into their pricing as its not quite released yet.



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Like many ppl say Price Cut + Killzone 2 release = Beautiful Kz Bundles :P

hope this info is true, even though the price should drop cause im hearing blu ray players dropped to $200 from $300, so we should expect a price cut early next year around march

if even half of this is true its huge news!

Is there anyone here, anyone who is a knowlegable gaming enthusiast, who could not have written this?

This is not to say it isn't true - the fact that it is all so obvious makes it that much more likely it is- but that also doesn't mean it's authentic or news.

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Hope alot of this is true. One dissappointment in reading all of this though...

Where's my Jak 4 T_T....

4 ≈ One

I hope that someone gets an interview with David Reeves soon. That dude has been the king of letting stuff slip early this gen. If his region was not the only thing holding the PS3 together I think he would be in a lot of troble.

As for the mentioned subjects, I figure it has to be close to the truth. Next year Sony will have a lot of cost reduction finished so a price drop is very possible. Smaller Blu-ray drives will be in higher production, Cell and RSX to 45nm. Game wise this is a Playstation. What are people expecting? There is no other place were you can find this many high quality exclusive games.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Christhor said:
No Trico? D:

Well atleast we got Uncharted 2...

The almighty Fumito Ueda has not considered us worthy of information considering Trico. Not even its name!

Ah well. At least we have a screenshot. How vague can you get?

We also know it will involve some form of physical contact.

It seems Sony have some business sense left after all.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Good news for Sony if they can pull off even half of what's mentioned. I'm guessing Uncharted 2 will be quite a game considering the dev will have had time to really master the PS3 programming.

perpride said:

Suddenly the grim future of the PSP is starting to look a lot better. Motorstorm, Resistance, LBP, Dissidia, Agito...and I thought the handheld was dead!

I have to say I am seriously looking forward to hearing about Uncharted 2. I could care less about a new entry into the Jak series, Uncharted fucking pwns.

Also, if the rumors about the price cut are true (and it turns out to be a WW price cut), we should start seeing "360 is dead" threads back on the website by early April.

I agree with most of your post, but I hope you're wrong about the "360 is dead" threads.  I'm growing tired of the "my console can beat up your console" threads.