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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will PS3 have a successful year in 2009?

Its so simple yet most cant see, i wonder about you all.

Things will improve for PS3 every year as long as better software comes out and hardware price is reduced.

Thus 2009 will be mush better then 08 since PS3 will probably hit $299 and has games like GT5 Killzone2 Uncharted2 White Knight Final Fantasy come out.

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You also forgot Trico (they follow an Olympic schedule) and Gran Turismo 5 (he laughed at a 2010 release, said it was coming earlier than we thought)

And they are slowly improving PSN. Trophies in 2.40 was a huge step, now they need to add a user search feature and some leaderboards.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

cut price will help sony for sure, but they have no reason to do it!

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


2009 will be better than 2008 for ps3 then only thing ps3 needs its a price cut beacuse in 2009 it will have great games.


2008 has went along quite smoothly if you ask me.

I think things will continue on this smooth path in 2009. Hopefully SONY will be able to afford a Price cut by mid 09, that would make things even nicer.

4 ≈ One

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Cypher1980 said:
amirnetz said:
Hawkeye said:
amirnetz said:

NJ5 is right. Forget about a price for the next 11-12 months. Sony just cannot sacrifice the whole company for the success of one product.

And Snake612 - you are also right - without a price cut, the future Sony is bleak. Their momentum in the market will grind to a halt. They will become the official 3rd place finisher, their retail display sheves will be much smaller than the Wii and the 360, and the gaming community will consolidate around the other consoles. They will be in worst shape than the GC was - they don't even appeal to the kiddy audiance. The PS3 has no population segement that it really owns. All it has left is an eroding brand name.

All the new games will not help Sony with such a small installed base. They will not be able to recover their development costs with such a low attach rate for their first party games. They'll need to start closing down the studios to cut costs.

By the time they get to a feasible price cut, the battle had been decided. The Wii and 360 will have pulled away to far margin. 3rd parties will start omitting Sony from their platform support. They will be in a slow death sprial.

It is hard to see how 2009 is going to be a "successful year" for Sony.

In 2007 I thought that PS3 might become the next Sega Saturn. It seems to have pulled itself out of that rut, but it may slip bacvk into it. However, PS3 can piggyback of 360 games that are multiplat, and is laready somehwat sucessful, so I don't think PS3 is going to "grind to a halt" It may come in 3rd, but it won't out and out die.


The only way the PS3 will die is for Sony to stop producing it. I know it seems far fetched right now but if the PS3 does not get to profitability within 12 months then I think discontinuation will become a relevant question.

Sony is going to lose $1 Billion this year on the PS3. This is a huge amount for the company that has barely squeezed $20M in profits last quarter and is actually having a negative cash flow.

Sony cannot sacrifice the whole company for one product. The PS3 business either become profitable in the next year or they will need to start shutting down operations.


If Sony shut down production of the PS3 before 2016 then they will have failed to keep to their 10 year promise for the console.

It will almost certainly mean Sony will be forced to exit the Video game market as people will not feel able to trust them.

I just cannot see it happening. Sony fans are some of the most loyal in the world. Second only to Apple devotees in my opinion.

However even they will reach a breaking point if they are betrayed in this way.



I think PS3 will lose money, but will live. Sony will be strapped for cash at the end of the gen, and I think it will not have the resources to make a PS4. PSP did well, so I don't know what they will do with that. I am guessing that at this time Sony wants to make a PS4, so they will hold onto PS3 even if its losing money so their brand doesn't die... but once the big 3 (automakers) go under, 4% of the economy goes with them. We are down 5% now... so double that, plus mkae a huge ripple effect. We will go down 15% or so percent. Probably another depression. If this happens, Blu Ray will die, and all of Sonys high end stuff will eb demolished. They will have to sell off their playstation line/developers ect to stay afloat and weather the economic storm. I am not sure if this is going to happen, but if it does, we won't see the full effects for another 2-3 years since Ford has enough money to live for another 2 years and GM has enough for 6 months, but could survive for up to a year in a half without gov aid before it has a total shutdown.


Hawkeye said:

I think PS3 will lose money, but will live. Sony will be strapped for cash at the end of the gen, and I think it will not have the resources to make a PS4. PSP did well, so I don't know what they will do with that. I am guessing that at this time Sony wants to make a PS4, so they will hold onto PS3 even if its losing money so their brand doesn't die... but once the big 3 (automakers) go under, 4% of the economy goes with them. We are down 5% now... so double that, plus mkae a huge ripple effect. We will go down 15% or so percent. Probably another depression. If this happens, Blu Ray will die, and all of Sonys high end stuff will eb demolished. They will have to sell off their playstation line/developers ect to stay afloat and weather the economic storm. I am not sure if this is going to happen, but if it does, we won't see the full effects for another 2-3 years since Ford has enough money to live for another 2 years and GM has enough for 6 months, but could survive for up to a year in a half without gov aid before it has a total shutdown.


Actually there's a chance they'll be strapped for cash long before this gen ends. I did some quick calculations the other day and they were scary. January will be a very telling month with their next financial report coming out.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I wonder what will be bundled with the PS3 when the price drops next year.......

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

NJ5 said:
Cypher1980 said:

If Sony shut down production of the PS3 before 2016 then they will have failed to keep to their 10 year promise for the console.

It will almost certainly mean Sony will be forced to exit the Video game market as people will not feel able to trust them.

I just cannot see it happening. Sony fans are some of the most loyal in the world. Second only to Apple devotees in my opinion.

However even they will reach a breaking point if they are betrayed in this way.



If Sony fans are so loyal, there mustn't be many of them. Either that or they're all broke and saving money to buy a PS3.


Nah it's just that they aren't loyal to playstation.

Sony is the strong brand... as in Sony electronics.

Even though Sony electronics usually are pretty poor quality and break shortly after their warranties are up.

NJ5 said:
Hawkeye said:

I think PS3 will lose money, but will live. Sony will be strapped for cash at the end of the gen, and I think it will not have the resources to make a PS4. PSP did well, so I don't know what they will do with that. I am guessing that at this time Sony wants to make a PS4, so they will hold onto PS3 even if its losing money so their brand doesn't die... but once the big 3 (automakers) go under, 4% of the economy goes with them. We are down 5% now... so double that, plus mkae a huge ripple effect. We will go down 15% or so percent. Probably another depression. If this happens, Blu Ray will die, and all of Sonys high end stuff will eb demolished. They will have to sell off their playstation line/developers ect to stay afloat and weather the economic storm. I am not sure if this is going to happen, but if it does, we won't see the full effects for another 2-3 years since Ford has enough money to live for another 2 years and GM has enough for 6 months, but could survive for up to a year in a half without gov aid before it has a total shutdown.


Actually there's a chance they'll be strapped for cash long before this gen ends. I did some quick calculations the other day and they were scary. January will be a very telling month with their next financial report coming out.


Any posts with those calculations?