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Hawkeye said:

I think PS3 will lose money, but will live. Sony will be strapped for cash at the end of the gen, and I think it will not have the resources to make a PS4. PSP did well, so I don't know what they will do with that. I am guessing that at this time Sony wants to make a PS4, so they will hold onto PS3 even if its losing money so their brand doesn't die... but once the big 3 (automakers) go under, 4% of the economy goes with them. We are down 5% now... so double that, plus mkae a huge ripple effect. We will go down 15% or so percent. Probably another depression. If this happens, Blu Ray will die, and all of Sonys high end stuff will eb demolished. They will have to sell off their playstation line/developers ect to stay afloat and weather the economic storm. I am not sure if this is going to happen, but if it does, we won't see the full effects for another 2-3 years since Ford has enough money to live for another 2 years and GM has enough for 6 months, but could survive for up to a year in a half without gov aid before it has a total shutdown.


Actually there's a chance they'll be strapped for cash long before this gen ends. I did some quick calculations the other day and they were scary. January will be a very telling month with their next financial report coming out.


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