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Forums - General Discussion - Why the history channel pisses me off.

Whoa, they're into Romans now? I used to call it the WW2 channel.

I got my Japanese history from college classes, and my history of everywhere else from Wikipedia, period movies, and documentaries. Even though I don't watch TV at all anymore, I really do wish the History Channel would pull their heads out of their asses and teach us some damn history about the rest of the world.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Whoa, they're into Romans now? I used to call it the WW2 channel.

I got my Japanese history from college classes, and my history of everywhere else from Wikipedia, period movies, and documentaries. Even though I don't watch TV at all anymore, I really do wish the History Channel would pull their heads out of their asses and teach us some damn history about the rest of the world.

Yeah, less WW2 stuff now...

instead you get like 3-4 roman documentries one after the other.... that all mostly cover the same part. 

It's annoying in that regard.

For you British people that don't like the history channel get 'UKTVHistory', It's much much better and it's on freeview

I agree entirely... but what can we do... when the masses want it, they will get it... luckily theer are plenty of books and the internet :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

hunter_alien said:
I agree entirely... but what can we do... when the masses want it, they will get it... luckily theer are plenty of books and the internet :P

Why would people want 3 specials about the romans where the last halfhour is exactly the same though?  In a row.


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Hey, us Europeans invented Europeans

I'm just amazed that a network broadcasting a variety of educational shows has managed to stay afloat. We should be thankful for that alone. That said, I think they could at least expand to the growth of the Mongol empire. It was a very warlike period, and since that's what most of their viewers are looking for, it would be a stupid idea not to broadcast some Mongol-themed episodes.



MontanaHatchet said:
I'm just amazed that a network broadcasting a variety of educational shows has managed to stay afloat. We should be thankful for that alone. That said, I think they could at least expand to the growth of the Mongol empire. It was a very warlike period, and since that's what most of their viewers are looking for, it would be a stupid idea not to broadcast some Mongol-themed episodes.

They've had a few to that effect that I've seen, but they're mostly late-night now, or one episode of some other series.

To the thread topic, though, the simple truth is that they broadcast what the masses want to know (or at least, what the masses who care enough to watch some history show want to know). Most folks don't share your interests. Obviously, many of us here do. We've been outvoted, though...


Maybe, it's because I work overnights, but all I ever see on there is shows about UFOs.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I did see one on Pirates but not ninjas....

Former something....