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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is there a chance the PS3 WON'T hit 20m this year?

Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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SHMUPGurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Didn't MS pull that stunt last year... thought it'd be played out by now.


Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360



 Flawed logic.


there is no flaw in my logic, each price range has a saturation point where sales tail off or do not respond to seasonal boost like they have in the past. sony is at that point right now, if they do not lower prices it will effect holiday sales, there is no if ands or buts.

for further proof check this thread   i didnt make any bets in in it, but i fallow it, because there is some top notch data crunching going on in there 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Max King of the Wild said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Didn't MS pull that stunt last year... thought it'd be played out by now.



thats not ms reporting,  that is the gmaestop guys. (MS did last march, and i thought that was a stunt, much like sony claiming it durring the summer, but thats another thread) 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Didn't MS pull that stunt last year... thought it'd be played out by now.



thats not ms reporting,  that is the gmaestop guys. (MS did last march, and i thought that was a stunt, much like sony claiming it durring the summer, but thats another thread) 


 Buddy... last year it started with gamestop too. If you thought it was a stunt last year then this is the same situation.

And this year MS has to know how much they sold last year at a more expensive price tag. they should be better prepared... especially if they were serious last year. Think about it.

"Hmm... guys last year we this amount of sales and we had shortages so who knows what they could have been. This year we are having a price cut right before the holidays so we should expect higher sales than last year and we should already supply more since last year we couldnt meet demand anyway"


Around the Network
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Didn't MS pull that stunt last year... thought it'd be played out by now.



thats not ms reporting,  that is the gmaestop guys. (MS did last march, and i thought that was a stunt, much like sony claiming it durring the summer, but thats another thread) 


 Buddy... last year it started with gamestop too. If you thought it was a stunt last year then this is the same situation.

And this year MS has to know how much they sold last year at a more expensive price tag. they should be better prepared... especially if they were serious last year. Think about it.

"Hmm... guys last year we this amount of sales and we had shortages so who knows what they could have been. This year we are having a price cut right before the holidays so we should expect higher sales than last year and we should already supply more since last year we couldnt meet demand anyway"


you cant just play this off as MS being the only one to do it. sony has done, and nintendo continues to do it by under producing. this seems to be the cool new corporate thing to do... keeps them in the news and spurs a few more sales... I find it incredible to believe that nintendo who makes only one model can not ramp up production to exceeded demand over the time of 2 years.... it points to bad management......  both sony and ms have a small excuse they have multiple models and one of them could eb under produced, but it still points to shoddy management 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360



 Flawed logic.


there is no flaw in my logic, each price range has a saturation point where sales tail off or do not respond to seasonal boost like they have in the past. sony is at that point right now, if they do not lower prices it will effect holiday sales, there is no if ands or buts.

for further proof check this thread   i didnt make any bets in in it, but i fallow it, because there is some top notch data crunching going on in there 


 Ok first off the Ps3 sales have been steady all year... now if it started dipping at some point your saturation theory would hold up.

Secondly I already showed data in this thread about last year compared to this year numbers. This year they are 50k behind and Japan making up 30k of that by itself. In others is tracking higher and in America its track 20k less. EDIT: completely forgot to explain why Ps3 sales have been dipping... BECAUSE THE JAPANESE GOT A HUGE RELEASE AT THE SAME TIME THAT APPEALED TO THEM!

If Japan starts picking up (Because they havent been interested in the Ps3 AT all this year) I'm sure the Ps3 can track just like they did last year (maybe a little less)

Thirdly need I remind you ioi undertracked the ps3 by about 500k last year what makes you so sure he's got it right this time? (Oh and if he kept his data around this week would actually be tracking higher than last year if he didnt adjust)

goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360

 Flawed logic.

Well, I don't know about that:

I mean, it's a very good point.

Didn't MS pull that stunt last year... thought it'd be played out by now.



thats not ms reporting,  that is the gmaestop guys. (MS did last march, and i thought that was a stunt, much like sony claiming it durring the summer, but thats another thread) 


 Buddy... last year it started with gamestop too. If you thought it was a stunt last year then this is the same situation.

And this year MS has to know how much they sold last year at a more expensive price tag. they should be better prepared... especially if they were serious last year. Think about it.

"Hmm... guys last year we this amount of sales and we had shortages so who knows what they could have been. This year we are having a price cut right before the holidays so we should expect higher sales than last year and we should already supply more since last year we couldnt meet demand anyway"


you cant just play this off as MS being the only one to do it. sony has done, and nintendo continues to do it by under producing. this seems to be the cool new corporate thing to do... keeps them in the news and spurs a few more sales... I find it incredible to believe that nintendo who makes only one model can not ramp up production to exceeded demand over the time of 2 years.... it points to bad management......  both sony and ms have a small excuse they have multiple models and one of them could eb under produced, but it still points to shoddy management 



 Nowhere in the post did I say MS was the only one to do it. The guy linked to a post about MS shortages... I responded to MS shortages... why would I mention anything about nintendo or sony? Anyway I also didn't go into detail about it because his response doesnt even make sense. why link an ms shortage thread to a post about sony not being able to keep up with last years numbers to get to 20 mil

CGI-Quality said:
wow Max has the PS3's back, big time. I agree with you Max, as I also believe the PS3 will surpass 20mill this holiday :)


 No I just don't see why people don't look at the reasons why such and such did something at such and such time and just come to conclusions. Ps3 is pretty much on track from last year except Japan.

Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
Max King of the Wild said:
goddog said:
CrazzyMan said:


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 24th Nov 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Any reason for PS3 to sell worse with incoming LBP bundles in Europe, PES in Japan, new 160GB models, and other bundles? Not to mention, that PS3 is doing MUCH better in Europe, then VGC estimates are. =)

beacuse its not going to get a price cut like it did last year. the price cut was the key to holiday sales last year, with out them sony has given christmas to wii, and 360



 Flawed logic.


there is no flaw in my logic, each price range has a saturation point where sales tail off or do not respond to seasonal boost like they have in the past. sony is at that point right now, if they do not lower prices it will effect holiday sales, there is no if ands or buts.

for further proof check this thread   i didnt make any bets in in it, but i fallow it, because there is some top notch data crunching going on in there 


 Ok first off the Ps3 sales have been steady all year... now if it started dipping at some point your saturation theory would hold up.

Secondly I already showed data in this thread about last year compared to this year numbers. This year they are 50k behind and Japan making up 30k of that by itself. In others is tracking higher and in America its track 20k less. EDIT: completely forgot to explain why Ps3 sales have been dipping... BECAUSE THE JAPANESE GOT A HUGE RELEASE AT THE SAME TIME THAT APPEALED TO THEM!

If Japan starts picking up (Because they havent been interested in the Ps3 AT all this year) I'm sure the Ps3 can track just like they did last year (maybe a little less)

Thirdly need I remind you ioi undertracked the ps3 by about 500k last year what makes you so sure he's got it right this time? (Oh and if he kept his data around this week would actually be tracking higher than last year if he didnt adjust)

he also over tracked them if you believe the npd in the states by 100k so far this year. so do not expect much in the way of under tracking, and the fact that it is steady in a holiday season, and not growing does show saturation. yes I saw your numbers on japan,*edit* (sorry misread the numbers first) europe  Americas  though is also no a sight slide for the holidays, that should be very worry some as that has been sony strong hold.     though it is a bad sign not as bad as europe would be... the 360 is also down in americas, as a general response to the credit crunch.

and as for making 30k up with a big release, that is also a bad sign, it should not take a big release to keep up with where it was heading last year. 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog