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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Help me guys! Which one? Mirror's edge or Tomb raider underworld? (On PS3)

So here is the deal: tomorrow I'm gonna get a game, it will be the last game I buy before the holiday, so it's pretty important. I recently bought lbp, motorstorm2 and COD5 (it sucks, don't buy it). So I need an adventure game, but I dunno which one I should pick between TRU and ME (I'll buy prince of persia during the holidays). I'm a lara croft fan, I really like her, but the fact is that I'm not very attracted by the dark side of this game and the story really really looks stupid, not to mention the betrayal of eidos (there is no demo on the psstore). On the other side, ME seems to be short and to have a low replay value. I'm also afraid that it could be a little boring. But it's innovative, I like the graphics and it has trophies. I tried the demo and I tought it was ok. So if someone can help me, it would be great, especially on the story of those two games. Thanks a lot ^^

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I'd say ME if it weren't so short...

TRU, if you ask me. But I'd save my money for something else anyway... besides, you're still getting an adventure game, PoP. Got R2 or VC yet, bud?

Well R2 will only be released next week in europe. I tried VC but I don't really like the battle system. I'll buy R2 for sure, but during the holiday, I'm a little tired of shooters since I played COD5.

Ah! yes! I forgot you're from Belgium (right? =P)

Meaning, you guys didn't get R2 yet.

Anyway, is it a VC demo you tried? if you have the full game, send it to me =P

lol yeah I'm from belgium. And yeah I only tried the demo, not the full game =p

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Get Mirror's Edge. And then, buy Uncharted. Many, including myself, believe it's better than the best Tomb Raider.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

He has Uncharted.

Yes I got it, and yes it's way better than legend or anniversary! But tomb raider is still a decent franchise, not as good as it was before, but I think that lara will always be "special" for many gamers ^^

Mirror's Edge.

Do you have Uncharted? Way better than any Tomb Raider game.

EDIT: Yes, you do. I would say Tomb Raider Underworld. Mirror's Edge is meant to be really short and have little replay value.

Of course, you should get Valkyria Chronicles before either of them.

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