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So here is the deal: tomorrow I'm gonna get a game, it will be the last game I buy before the holiday, so it's pretty important. I recently bought lbp, motorstorm2 and COD5 (it sucks, don't buy it). So I need an adventure game, but I dunno which one I should pick between TRU and ME (I'll buy prince of persia during the holidays). I'm a lara croft fan, I really like her, but the fact is that I'm not very attracted by the dark side of this game and the story really really looks stupid, not to mention the betrayal of eidos (there is no demo on the psstore). On the other side, ME seems to be short and to have a low replay value. I'm also afraid that it could be a little boring. But it's innovative, I like the graphics and it has trophies. I tried the demo and I tought it was ok. So if someone can help me, it would be great, especially on the story of those two games. Thanks a lot ^^