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I'm sorry, I just stop taking people seriously when they use a dollar sign in place of an S.

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Sony hasn't been defeated. Its just that they don't have much updates and games to compete with 360 and wii this year. The only games that are probably the highlight of ps3 this year is Resistance 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4. Even though they updated their online service, it still hasn't improved that much compared to the 360's amazing dashboard and improved online service. Not to mention the highly anticpated exclusive title Gears of War 2. 2009 might look like a better year for the ps3. If you mean that sony has been defeated for 2008? Then i would have to say yes. They had some huge highlights this year but the wii and 360 overall had a better year than the ps3.


CGI-Quality said:
@ Snake612

You left out LBP my friend, it has MOST DEFINITELY been a highlight of 2008.

Definetly I dont think anyone expected it to be so good, I think its great but hasnt done much to appeal new comers, just pepole who already one a PS3 playing it. For Sony to come back they nead something that will make poepl buy the console

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

K CGI I just assumed it hadnt boost sales too much cause they are now falling further behind 360 who is now normally beating them in weekly sales

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

K CGI I just assumed it hadnt boost sales too much cause they are now falling further behind 360 who is now normally beating them in weekly sales

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

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Ronster316 said:
stovo said:
Ronster316 said:
Can the ps3 pull off a miracle fightback?


Can Dolly Parton sleep on her front?



Maybe PS3 will sell better when price goes down


I'm sure it will sell better with a price cut, but how many potential customers are going to have the patience to wait for the ps3 to go down in price when they can play great games for half the price on a rival console?


Most PSOne, PS2 and now XB360 buyers waited for them to be less expensive before buying them, even though there were competitor consoles with lower price. XB360 survived to an half wasted one year lead and 9 months being third in weekly sales and now it did its not great, but more than good comeback, as long as PS3 offers something different from the competition (edit: and a wide enough SW offer), and it does, it will have the same chance once its price is cut. Even without a price drop PS3 units sold will easily exceed 20million after Xmas, not a bad start for the second phase of its life, considering that during its first Xmas it wasn't sold yet in its strongest market.

Anyhow a 50€ cut in EU, where its price is higher than justified by VAT, would have been welcome and wouldn't have caused losses as a $50 cut in USA.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

Because your not really a gaming enthusaist.  Your just someone who likes to play games.

You've got no overarching love for the industry as a whole... your not willing to expierence how everything is expanding and judging completely new expierences before trying them.

You're just not as "hardcore" as you think you are.

Still we're getting off the point.... that a lot of people who really like gaming would actually want to buy Wii fit.

I mean hell, all the proof you need is right here.

VGChartz is not an accurate representation of the entire gaming population. If it was, how many copies would this game have sold?

I don't see how it's a 'new experience' at all. That 'experience' has been around as long as gyms have been around. Not everybody is going to like every game. Example:

As it says in the link, MGS4 has 594 owners on this site. It has sold 3.48 million copies WW. This is out of 16.5 million PS3 owners in the world. This game got a 10 from IGN, 10 from Gamespot and currently holds a 94 on metacritic. So clearly, in reviews, MGS4 > Wii Fit.

And yet people do not buy it. They judge it before playing it, they say it has 'too many cutscenes' without ever watching one of them, they say the controls are bad without ever holding a Dual Shock, they say it isn't good without ever experiencing how incredible it really is.

I suppose they're not hardcore either.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

stovo said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Snake612

You left out LBP my friend, it has MOST DEFINITELY been a highlight of 2008.


Definetly I dont think anyone expected it to be so good, I think its great but hasnt done much to appeal new comers, just pepole who already one a PS3 playing it. For Sony to come back they nead something that will make poepl buy the console

The only game on the PS3 console with the power to do that would be Gran Turismo 5. That would sell consoles like hell. But it wouldn't sell 400 dollar consoles very well at all.

Were these consoles $300, in GT5's release week, the effect would be perhaps double the effect MGS4 had. 

He said it wasn't coming out in 2010, it was coming out 'sooner than you think' so does that mean Q3 2009?

I very much doubt Versus XIII will come out before then. If FFXIII had remained exclusive, that would have sold a lot of consoles, and if GTA4 had remained timed exclusive, that would have given the PS3 quite a boost as well.

In fact, if you look at the top 10 PS2 sellers, you get this:

1) GTA (multiplat)

2) Gran Turismo (exclusive)

3) GTA (multiplat)

4) GTA (multiplat)

5) Gran Turismo (exclusive)

6) Final Fantasy (multiplat)

7) NFS (I was shocked too)

8) NFS (after Undercover? I don't think so.)

9) MGS2 (exclusive)

10) Kingdom Hearts (nobody really knows at this point)

By the way, the brackets refer to the PS3 sequel, not the game.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

Because your not really a gaming enthusaist.  Your just someone who likes to play games.

You've got no overarching love for the industry as a whole... your not willing to expierence how everything is expanding and judging completely new expierences before trying them.

You're just not as "hardcore" as you think you are.

Still we're getting off the point.... that a lot of people who really like gaming would actually want to buy Wii fit.

I mean hell, all the proof you need is right here.

VGChartz is not an accurate representation of the entire gaming population. If it was, how many copies would this game have sold?

I don't see how it's a 'new experience' at all. That 'experience' has been around as long as gyms have been around. Not everybody is going to like every game. Example:

As it says in the link, MGS4 has 594 owners on this site. It has sold 3.48 million copies WW. This is out of 16.5 million PS3 owners in the world. This game got a 10 from IGN, 10 from Gamespot and currently holds a 94 on metacritic. So clearly, in reviews, MGS4 > Wii Fit.

And yet people do not buy it. They judge it before playing it, they say it has 'too many cutscenes' without ever watching one of them, they say the controls are bad without ever holding a Dual Shock, they say it isn't good without ever experiencing how incredible it really is.

I suppose they're not hardcore either.


Is not MGS4 basically the same as the previous MGS games?  What about MGS4 is revolutionary in terms of gameplay for the industry.

Wii-Fit isn't something that is the same as a gym.  The balance control scheme is new... and there is plenty of non related gym stuff involved with it.

As for VGchartz not being an accurate representative... good point.

The people and VGchartz are far more hardcore and serious about videogame sales then most people.  Which goes to my point.  Not against it.

Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:
Kantor said:
Kasz216 said:

Eh... you do realize that

A) Most PS2 users were casuals...

B) Not only casuals would want Wii Fit...

Infact, i'd say you'd be a pretty crappy gaming enthusist if you missed out on such a new way to play games.

Aside from which, the adoption rate numbers really bears out his arguement.  It's not likely that early adopters are going to become late adopters... so you gotta figure at least as many people who bought in last generation at this point bought in this generation already.

Quite possible, but it wasn't like a 90%/10% split.

And how am I not a gamer for not wanting to play a 'game' where I do yoga?

EDIT: No offence to anybody who likes Wii Fit.

But for me, it's twice the price of a regular game, and something I could do for free.


It was actually probably around there.

As for why?  Because they way you do it is a completly new way to play a game.  The Balance Board is again an interesting new take on controller imputs.

How can you really be a fan and not want to try out the new advances in your field?

That's like calling yourself a movie fan yet only watching Steven Seagal films.


It's like being a gourmet and not eating McDonalds.

Gourmet's aren't enthusiasts. Gourmands are.

Gourmets are people who just like a certain type of food.

They don't enjoy all food or all culinary arts.

They just like what they like.

Why would I spend money on a console I don't want, and spend almost as much money on a game that doesn't appeal to me, just to 'experience a new way to play a game'

It's not a game, it's an exercise programme. I'm not spending 400 US$ on an exercise programme.

Because your not really a gaming enthusaist.  Your just someone who likes to play games.

You've got no overarching love for the industry as a whole... your not willing to expierence how everything is expanding and judging completely new expierences before trying them.

You're just not as "hardcore" as you think you are.

Still we're getting off the point.... that a lot of people who really like gaming would actually want to buy Wii fit.

I mean hell, all the proof you need is right here.

VGChartz is not an accurate representation of the entire gaming population. If it was, how many copies would this game have sold?

I don't see how it's a 'new experience' at all. That 'experience' has been around as long as gyms have been around. Not everybody is going to like every game. Example:

As it says in the link, MGS4 has 594 owners on this site. It has sold 3.48 million copies WW. This is out of 16.5 million PS3 owners in the world. This game got a 10 from IGN, 10 from Gamespot and currently holds a 94 on metacritic. So clearly, in reviews, MGS4 > Wii Fit.

And yet people do not buy it. They judge it before playing it, they say it has 'too many cutscenes' without ever watching one of them, they say the controls are bad without ever holding a Dual Shock, they say it isn't good without ever experiencing how incredible it really is.

I suppose they're not hardcore either.


Is not MGS4 basically the same as the previous MGS games?  What about MGS4 is revolutionary in terms of gameplay for the industry.

Wii-Fit isn't something that is the same as a gym.  The balance control scheme is new... and there is plenty of non related gym stuff involved with it.

New example: Shadow of the Colossus. Shouldn't anybody who is 'hardcore' have played that?

It's about as far from traditional as is possible. It can't really be put into words.

If Wii Fit is revolutionary, Singstar is revolutionary. Guitar Hero is revolutionary. They are not for everyone, they are aimed at a specific audience.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective