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stovo said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Snake612

You left out LBP my friend, it has MOST DEFINITELY been a highlight of 2008.


Definetly I dont think anyone expected it to be so good, I think its great but hasnt done much to appeal new comers, just pepole who already one a PS3 playing it. For Sony to come back they nead something that will make poepl buy the console

The only game on the PS3 console with the power to do that would be Gran Turismo 5. That would sell consoles like hell. But it wouldn't sell 400 dollar consoles very well at all.

Were these consoles $300, in GT5's release week, the effect would be perhaps double the effect MGS4 had. 

He said it wasn't coming out in 2010, it was coming out 'sooner than you think' so does that mean Q3 2009?

I very much doubt Versus XIII will come out before then. If FFXIII had remained exclusive, that would have sold a lot of consoles, and if GTA4 had remained timed exclusive, that would have given the PS3 quite a boost as well.

In fact, if you look at the top 10 PS2 sellers, you get this:

1) GTA (multiplat)

2) Gran Turismo (exclusive)

3) GTA (multiplat)

4) GTA (multiplat)

5) Gran Turismo (exclusive)

6) Final Fantasy (multiplat)

7) NFS (I was shocked too)

8) NFS (after Undercover? I don't think so.)

9) MGS2 (exclusive)

10) Kingdom Hearts (nobody really knows at this point)

By the way, the brackets refer to the PS3 sequel, not the game.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective