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Ronster316 said:
stovo said:
Ronster316 said:
Can the ps3 pull off a miracle fightback?


Can Dolly Parton sleep on her front?



Maybe PS3 will sell better when price goes down


I'm sure it will sell better with a price cut, but how many potential customers are going to have the patience to wait for the ps3 to go down in price when they can play great games for half the price on a rival console?


Most PSOne, PS2 and now XB360 buyers waited for them to be less expensive before buying them, even though there were competitor consoles with lower price. XB360 survived to an half wasted one year lead and 9 months being third in weekly sales and now it did its not great, but more than good comeback, as long as PS3 offers something different from the competition (edit: and a wide enough SW offer), and it does, it will have the same chance once its price is cut. Even without a price drop PS3 units sold will easily exceed 20million after Xmas, not a bad start for the second phase of its life, considering that during its first Xmas it wasn't sold yet in its strongest market.

Anyhow a 50€ cut in EU, where its price is higher than justified by VAT, would have been welcome and wouldn't have caused losses as a $50 cut in USA.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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