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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What season of the year do you spend the most time playing games?

What Seasons of the year do you spend the most time playing games.

I would say that i spend the most time playing games in the Summer, even though that is when you should be active. I play alot in Winter but i can't stay up as late because i can't mess up my sleep schedule.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi

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it is even all year long for me

it right now i'm playing more than normal cause i just got Paper Mario 2

At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

I have the biggest Wishlist on VGchartz

The winter, I don't work in the winter I live off of unemployment (YAY), so I find my self getting very bored  and that results to video games.

April and October ,after i complete my Manga and finished work at book expo. in Thailand.Other than that i just looking on website like VGChartz to track games&consoles sales or play some DS games. :)

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All year long for me




December - January
April - August


at nights

I play at an equal amount year long, and it'll stay like that unless my roommate leaves( I live in a dorm ) or until college is finished, and I already have a career. The longest time frame I've played this year was COD4 MP around 4 hours.