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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Microsoft and Sony consles....?

Ok, I was just thinking about this. People are saying that Microsoft will release a new consle in like 2010 or 2011. Why would that happen? I mean think about it how much better can the 360 get? By then will they even have the ability to make a better console? IMo i don think will see new consoles for a while as in like 5 years. Have we even seen the full power of the 360 and PS3 yet?

What do you think?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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For one, the next xbox better have wireless internet built in.

Well i agree with the TC, 5 years bare minimum, regardless of the MBNN Theory.

Im not sure about the 360 but the 360 is well enough to last atleast a BARE minimum of 4 years no doubt about it, if they bring something out that would be betraying MS fans in my eyes.

As for the PS3, theres still ALOT of power to be tapped there, if Sony were to pull this aswell then i as a fan of the PlayStation Brand would go into a boycott like no other.

All in all MS and Sony better not do this, otherwise they'll have alot of angery fans on the hands...

The people who believe MS will bring a new console out in 2010 are the people expecting them to follow the traditional 5-year life cycle. Which they most certainly will not.

Okay, thatfirst sentence sounds a lot like something John Madden would say if he were a video game analyst.

I dought Micorosft is going to come out with a new console anytime soon, the only reason why they came out with the X360 so fast was because the Xbox wasn't doing to well in sales, but now the X360 is doing much better in sales then its predessecor so Microsoft will likely hold off until Sony releases a new console then Microsoft will likely release there console shortly after.

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2011 is 3 years from now. The 360 will be on its 6th holiday season (7th including launch), so I highly doubt it would be selling much by then. That's one nice incentive to release a new console...

By 2012, the 360 will be 7 years old. No console since the NES (in Japan) has ever reached this age without a successor. That's as old as the GC/Xbox is now. Also, losing consoles don't last as long as the leaders. I think 2012 is the absolute latest for a Microsoft console, with 2011 being more likely.

they could release in 2010 because 360 capabilities have been almost maxed out with Gears of War 3 but it is unlikely.Most probably in 2011.Sony could release in 2011,If not they will definetely release in 2012

they could release in 2010 because 360 capabilities have been almost maxed out with Gears of War 3 but it is unlikely.Most probably in 2011.Sony could release in 2011,If not they will definitely release in 2012

The hardware in both the PS3 and 360 can get a hell of a lot better. Just look towards the nearest gaming PC.

They'll upgrade the processor and GPU, add more RAM and a better graphics card, and hopefully do a redesign of the exterior.

No need to do it until 2011/2012 though. 5-6 years is the normal lifecycle for a console. And I'm going to wager the next Xbox will have Blu-ray. By then DVD will be outdated.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

i think the next xbox will come out 2011. look at the price for gods sake. sony is looking at the longer run and still has some legs. sony wont see a new system till 2013 0r 14. nintendo might release a new wii by 2011 as well because now they can include the HD and try to tackle the core gamers as well as the casuals.

the reason why i believe in these dates is because the technology is better therefore it is harder for them to make it look better so they need more time to show that making the jump to a new console is worth it, imo longer lifespans between consoles.