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LBP is not bombing and does not deserve to bomb. It was different in the beta as it was not publicly avaliable, so they can do what they want. When it enters the public sphere other companies have copyrights on their IPs, so they control the IPs, Sony has no choice put to pull the levels or face being sued, what else do you expect. You think that because MM has had to do some moderating to stop Sony from being sued you want it to fail.... that does not make sense

As said, do not forget Uncharted, it sold 25k last week, and let's hope MS PR and LBP will do as well as it has done, and LBP has already sold 700k, at this point Uncharted had sold about 200k. We are using the Uncharted argument, because Uncharted spread due to word of mouth because it is so incredibly good, and the same thing will happen with these games. I have a feeling MS PR is going to do well around christmas as with NFS being so bad again this year, people may get MS PR as their racer, especially as it corrected all the faults of the original

@ nordlead, about the comment that MS would have only sold 750k without bundling. While it may be true that if it had not been a launch game in EU it might have suffered, firstly it has only sold 0.03m more the US than others, though it was bundled for a short time there, but not with every console or in every country.

Just look at this graph to see that it had already reached 1m before bundling in the US.

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banjo is not even yet in belgium... so i suppose euro first week is not representative of the sales the game will have

I wouldn't say VC flopped. I mean it did half what Fire Emblem did... and Fire Emblem is one of the big namebrand SRPGS.

I think MotorStorm2 will have decent legs.

4 ≈ One

didnt QoS flop too?

plus i dont see the de blob or LBP flop

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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CoD: WaW wii really tanked with american numbers in. Under 100k ww this week with HD consoles at about 2.2 million WW

Except the Wii has rarely had massively front loaded sales in the first week. Let's see how it goes over the next month first.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

People should learn by now that weak first sales for a Wii game != flop.

Wii Music is closing in on 500k in 5 weeks, for example, and is showing extremely strong legs. I suspect that it'll be like Nintendogs, in that it'll keep selling 50-100k a week for years to come.

And, yeah, CoD:WaW Wii bombed. But that's what happens when you gimp a game in comparison to its PS360 cousins.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



DMeisterJ said:
Banjo sold like a steaming pile of shit. Thankfully. Rare needs to learn it's lesson. After all of their flops this gen, maybe they will.

LBP is doing not that good either, but I do have faith that it will "pull an uncharted".

Motorstrom did good in Others for it's second week, having a very small drop. It'll do fine.

@ kylie dog

Your PS3 hate is sad. LBP didn't promise Copyrighted levels would be fine. Copyrighted anything isn't fine on any game that allows you to make levels and such. Why on earth would you believe you can take copyrighted material and make it your own? It's the reason it's copyrighted. It's also the reason you fail. CRY MOAR.

R2 isn't out in Others yet, so I'd take a minute before I say anything about that. And about LBP, don't 4get about Uncharted.

Unfortunately, 'pulling an Uncharted' means getting 2 million after over a year. I really thought LBP could get 2 million by the end of the year. I suppose that's not happening.

I hope MotorStorm flops, really. I suppose all of the developers are learning that second-rate crap isn't going to cut it any more. In the past, just having "EA" on a game guaranteed it >1 million sales. Rare was once one of the greatest developers in the world.

As for MotorStorm, the game was average at best, but look at the sales! Massive! Evolution seemed to think that what got them 3 million sales in early 07 will do the same in late 08.

I suppose 300k is decent for NA only, and Europe will be a lot more (1 million first week total?), but the top five NA chart for that week was downright embarassing.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

bugrimmar said:

Mirror's Edge bombed :'(

Banjo is selling like a 10 year old game...

Motorstorm 2... meh compared to 1st game

Da Blob fail everywhere :"O


What's with this holiday season eh? great games are flopping left and right...




There are very few good games flopping.


Wii Music - great game by all accounts (well, all accounts of people who have actually played it) but hasn't flopped - selling about as well as Guitar Hero is for the Wii - that's awesome for a new IP


I heard from everyone that Banjo sucked

I heard from everyone that motorstorm is a mediocre series

R2 is seling better than R1 in the same timeframe? (I think)

LBP is selling incredibly for a new IP

De blob sold better in Others this week than it did in its first week, just like all the other Wii games that were judged flops too early