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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Third parties don't "get" the Wii, more

Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:
Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:

This is a real chicken/egg thing going on here. If COD WAW doesn't sell well, the chances that COD 5/6 (depending on who you ask) will be on the Wii will be slim - none.

See publishers are actually very conservative. They spend as little as they possibly on games unless the franchise is so strong they can justify the expenditure. Things like this have a flow on effect. Will games like Conduit see much marketing if COD WAW doesn't sell well? Will publishers even spend money trying to make innovative games when they know they hardly sell anyway and they can get better returns on releasing Nintendo knock-offs?

The actual talent in the industry is actually very limited. The issue isn't about where the publishers invest the bulk of their money/manpower its about where they can best invest the real talent they have. These are the people who make the real money in the industry and the people around them are just there to help make it happen.





I can't agree with this assertion only because the lack of third-party sales on the Wii comes from the fact that developers are ham-fisting it on one hand and half-assing it on the other. Yes, it requires a risk, but testing the waters with half-baked software is going to get you the results you are asking for.

Equating any Call of Duty with innovative games is a travesty. Innovative games on the Wii, the super-niche titles that actually try new things, sell much better than their equivalents on other systems. De Blob, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, what have you - these games don't even exist on the 360 and PS3, and they sell better than equivalent games did on the PS2. Hell, NMH curb-stomped every single Clover Studios game except for Viewtiful Joe.

This is not a chicken/egg problem, because it is all too obvious where the problem originates: "safe", half-hearted games do not sell.

So... One of the highest selling franchises which has been made with a pretty good effort on the Wii bombs. What does that do? It means that shooters are going to be fewer and further between on the Wii. The Wii proved it can sell music games, and it gets Guitar Hero like everyone else. If the Wii proves is struggles to sell core games then I guess its more cooking mama and petz in the future since they have proved themselves to be profitable ventures.

You know the one thing which breaks the rule on metacritic for higher rated games vs sales are the innovative games. They are rated highly but they never sell as well as titles which aren't innovative, but have a similar or lower rating. Also I never said that COD was innovative, I just said that innovation hardly ever pays off.

And no, COD WAW Wii was not half hearted.



I reject your reasoning again, sir. I apologize. I may be doing that a lot?

Call of Duty is a tired series with a tired image, especially the World War II iterations. Youor idea of a proper core title is a multiplat for the most tired subgenre in the most tired genre in gaming today, when it has no splitscreen multiplayer for the one console where local multiplayer actually matters more than online? Really? You don't see the problem there?

Again: this is hamfisting it. Also: it is half-assing it. World at War is not a top-of-the-line product. It has nice production values, sure, but it is stale, it is a "seen it before" sort of thing, it is wose than the other versions of the game, the multiplayer is neutered, and I could have told you when it was announced that this was a bad idea.

You want a core game on the Wii that's substantially enhanced by the experience? Look at Resident Evil 4. Something like 1.5 million copies sold on a two-year-old port because it's the definitive version of the game substantially improved by being on the Wii.

Equating a rejection of World War II FPSes which are worse than what can be obtained on othr systems cannot be equated with a rejection of core games. To pretend so is lunacy, sir.

Call of duty is not a tired series and as for no local multiplayer? Ask Nintendo that question, because if it could have been added easily it would have been. 10 million sales from the last versionn?

COD WAW isn't top of the line but its definately the best pure shooter on the Wii.

Resident Evil and Mario Kart. Two scions of the "Re-release previous generation software on the Wii" mantra. Why make new software when you can make old software new again? Heck they can even make it a PR piece.

And no I never said it was a rejection of Core games but damn I've seen many people wax lyrical on the merits of the Wiimote for shooter type games and if they don't sell then obviously as a genre its going to be under-represented. See theres no explanation really, on the 360 COD came a week after Gears of War and still sold really well, but on the Wii theres no such competition from similar games.



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I'm not going to respond to that until you make clear whether or not you're serious about the Mario Kart Wii jab.

And if you've ever played it, I guess.

bdbdbd said:

And lastly, i didn't get the idea of your list for two reasons:
1. What difference does it make who the publisher is? "3rd parties" isn't an instance, but a number of them. We have atleast Nintendo, Sega, Ubisoft, Take Two and Capcom and EA having successful games on Wii, which apparently should mean, that publishers outside the ones mentioned, can't succeed.
Besides, you yourself made the whole "3rd party" -argument irrelevant by mentioning the genre and using SMG as an example for a genre that can sell.

2. Apparently your list was about games that already have a name and there have been put some effort to them. Which basically is the same thing with best selling PS360 games.

Too bad if you did not get my point. This thread is about third parties not "getting" the wii. I think they do understand what sells on wii. What sells best on wii? Minigames. Wii sports, wii play, wii fit. So third parties make minigames and a nice profit.

Next big seller is a game with mario on it, that is not an option for third parties. Closest you can get is sonic... which sells nicely and judging by the games I've seen, it makes nice profit once again.

As for your point 2,

That is not even remotely the same thing. Do you know a minigame collection that has sold millions on 360/ps3?


@Squiliam: I think your keyword was easilly. If it would have been wanted to add, it would have been added. Basically you just proved Khuutras point. The publisher didn't want to invest for the feature. I'd guess, that in comparision to PS360 developement, it would have been fairly cheap to add.

I think you're mistaken, Mario Kart haven't been ported to Wii. I guess you confuse it to Twilight Princess.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Sky Render said:
Slick controls, deep-yet-simple gameplay, and consistent entertainment... These are easy enough concepts to grasp. What many third parties are not grasping, however, is the primary lure of the Wii: newness. Most of the core gamers who invest in the Wii are digging for the feel of something new, and of course all of the expanded audience wants to keep getting pleasantly surprised.

So no, games that ape on existing games don't do so great on the Wii. They're nothing we haven't seen a dozen times before, after all. Even if the developers make the most immersive controls ever, the most addictive gameplay imaginable, and an experience that never stops being fun, it's all for naught if it's just a rehash of what's been done before.

Even Nintendo is having trouble with fully grasping the nature of the beast they've unleashed. Surefire hits have fallen short of expectations, and unexpected "evergreen" hits have emerged where nobody was expecting that kind of success. It's not easy to grasp the expanded audience's tastes.

Can you give examples of the Nintendo games you are talking about in the last paragraph?  I'm not sure what surefire hit that fell short or unexpected evergreen title you are talking about.

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@Esa-Petteri: Your point was presented with no logic.

Show me a good minigame collection on PS3 or 360 and i judge it by the game (outside LBP). The point was, the games that have been put effort into, sell on all consoles. We have a number of titles on Wii, that aren't minigames and have sold in large numbers. There also aren't coming out many minigames anymore, could it be because of the "birdmen" that were after easy money and noticed that there aren't easy money to be made.

Wii Sports and Wii Fit are disruptive or blue ocean software, where the "minigame collection" meme doesn't really work. They aren't selling because they are minigames, they are selling despite being minigame collections.

The next big seller on Wii is a game with Tom Nook.

Now, what you did, was pick a number of minigames and dismiss everything important and basically everything outside minigames. Basically that's the thing Reggie was talking about. DS should give an implication to devs and publishers, what kind of strategy they should be using. The thing that pisses 3rd parties is, that if they play the strategy, it's helping Nintendo and if they don't, it's damaging themselves and helps Nintendo.

But, there's one valid reason, why 3rd parties don't want to "get" Wii, that remotedly relates to what Ail said, and that is 3rd parties wanting power from the 1st parties for themselves. The SNES/Megadrive era was best for 3rd parties, every other generation have been shit to them with 1st parties telling how and what to do. 3rd parties want the 1st parties to fight over the 3rd party support.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Wii, is the suck. Haven't turned mine on in probably 4 months.

A good example of what I'm talking about is Nintendogs and Wii Music. The former didn't seem like it should have been a hit (there are tons of pet simulators out there, after all, and quite a few similar to Nintendogs). But it's become one of the best-selling games of this generation, a gateway to portable gaming. Since then, just about every Touch Generations title has been a big hit (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, etc.).

Wii Music follows in the same footsteps as Nintendogs et. al., but it isn't having the same sort of impact in spite of that. It may be too early to call on Wii Music (in fact, I'm almost certain it's too early), but the evidence thus far is that it's not having the same impact as its fellow Touch Generations titles. But why? Going by the established formula underlying Touch Generations, it should have the same impact as the rest of the series, but so far it has not.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak. something and have to reply:

CoDWaW Wii...

it's half-assed beyond belief.. they missed the entire idea

a freaking PSP port sells better...why?
because of the gameplay: multiplayer and controls

CoDWaW lacks the controls..(Conduit is coming soon and will kill all other control schemes)

and they KILLED the local, no co-op only deathmatch and some generic mode

no search and destroy no zombie co-op

honestly..all they did was try to port the CoD4 engine to the Wii
I call that Half-hearted

the Wii was never about graphics..and never will be

the Conduit is praised for it's graphics on most sites..but it pulls me mostly for gameplay:
unique weapons, custom controls, local think it doesn't?: LAN,and they are working on co-op

it feels like they are really trying to squeeze the juice out of the Wii
while CoDWaW feels like your regular downgraded port..

@Sky Render: Maybe the problem is "Going by the established formula underlying Touch Generations".
Actually when you look at the successful Touch Generations games, you'll notice they all are pretty unique, when something like Wii Chess didn't really have an impact.
There were pet sims before Nintendogs, but nothing the same level of quality and since Nintendogs use the DS:s special functions in an innovative way, it's actually no wonder that we have a winner.

I agree it's too early to say anything about Wii Musics possible success, it's definately a title that finds its way under the christmas tree. But after christmas, it's really a big question how it will do. Well, good word of mouth may do wonders.
Also, there's a large number of unique music/rhythm games in the market, that should be taken into account.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.