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CoDWaW Wii...

it's half-assed beyond belief.. they missed the entire idea

a freaking PSP port sells better...why?
because of the gameplay: multiplayer and controls

CoDWaW lacks the controls..(Conduit is coming soon and will kill all other control schemes)

and they KILLED the local, no co-op only deathmatch and some generic mode

no search and destroy no zombie co-op

honestly..all they did was try to port the CoD4 engine to the Wii
I call that Half-hearted

the Wii was never about graphics..and never will be

the Conduit is praised for it's graphics on most sites..but it pulls me mostly for gameplay:
unique weapons, custom controls, local think it doesn't?: LAN,and they are working on co-op

it feels like they are really trying to squeeze the juice out of the Wii
while CoDWaW feels like your regular downgraded port..