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Forums - General Discussion - Do you read books for fun?

I personally don't read books for fun. The only book i read out side of school was books like "Fast Food Nation", "De-Loused in the Comatorium Storybook", and "Silent Bob Speaks". The stuff i read would be like newpaper/magazine articles, internet articles, and game subtitles, so what about you.

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi

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At the moment, rarely, but I do read quite a few history books to help my work (I just dip into the relevant parts)

The majority of books I read where for school so I guess its a no, also its been over a year since I actually read any book.

I used to read a lot. At the moment, not so much. I'm reading a book called "I, Lucifer" (the one quoted in my sig) and it's very interesting. I just can't bring myself to read it, or anything, for some reason.

Although I've just this second decided that I'm going to read another chapter or two tonight.


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I also used to read a lot, but lately in the past years games have taken more and more time away from books... I guess due to the fact that games are more rewarding upfront.... I need to read more.

Very rarely do I enjoy reading books, but books can also be one of the greatest sources of entertainment and enjoyment for me. Like the Inheritance books (Eragon). :P

I read all the time. Infact if I'm reading a really enthralling series I'll probably read more then I game.

If I can find anything interesting...

4 ≈ One

Books....not so much, I do read manga for fun.
