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Forums - Website Topics - DMeisterJ caught cheating

Hawk said:
BMaker11 said:
I'm going to go on GAF and take a hit for the team LOL

You'll have to post the link, heh.  We are behind you man.  Some people *coughDMJcough*, wouldn't do that for us.

I'll probably have to screen it because I was thinking of just writing "VGCHARTZ" in big bold letters all starting on a new line, but as soon as they catch it, it will get bleeped


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BMaker11 said:

I'm going to go on GAF and take a hit for the team LOL

Edit: When my account gets activated

Make sure to use the VGChartz sigs too, and post lots of VGChartz graphs. I'd do it to, but I don't care to spend months waiting to be signed up. If I can't sign up with less than a 1 day wait, it isn't worth it.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

shio said:
Hawk said:

shio’s a fountain of misplaced rage. Name your cliche; Mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he’s so angry that moments of levity actually cause him pain; give him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman, hurts.

Reported. One thing is to take "stabs" at me, another is to bring my family.

You look like a 5 year old at arguments so you to resort to insults so that you don't sound like a loser.


Shio, you need to go get laid man, empty the balls out, know what I mean, you'll feel less stressed and angered with life. Don't take things so seriously, you don't see DMJ ranting and raving about it, I'm sure he realizes it is a joke. Unless your secretly him with another username, then it's a whole other ballgame.............. 

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

ya know dm whoring around is never a good thing sure you might start at teh top of your game and get all the boys to turn an eye

but if you keep it up soon your going to start to show your age and before you know it your turning tricks just to get a dime bag

i have seen it a hundred time

look at this age progression i did of you

please dont be a whore




Why is SkyNet wearing a PS3 Logo???


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^hi Dm


Nirvana_Nut85 said:
shio said:
Hawk said:

shio’s a fountain of misplaced rage. Name your cliche; Mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he’s so angry that moments of levity actually cause him pain; give him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman, hurts.

Reported. One thing is to take "stabs" at me, another is to bring my family.

You look like a 5 year old at arguments so you to resort to insults so that you don't sound like a loser.


Shio, you need to go get laid man, empty the balls out, know what I mean, you'll feel less stressed and angered with life. Don't take things so seriously, you don't see DMJ ranting and raving about it, I'm sure he realizes it is a joke. Unless your secretly him with another username, then it's a whole other ballgame.............. 

Dude, I'm not angry. I have always had a naturally aggressive tone when I'm in an argument, many times I have been asked to lower down my voice in rl because they think I'm shouting at them in an argument (though I never do so intentionally). Even in the forums I have apologized a few times for the tone of writing when I didn't mean to. The aggressiveness usually comes from looking down on the idiocy or persistent stupidity of some people's arguments, like some people from this thread which shall remain nameless.

I did get a big pissed off when Hawk talked about my family, but that ended when I reported him. I wrote this before in the thread:

"? I'm nowhere near angry, just astonished about this banning that goes against any rational basis. I wonder why some people always think the tone of dialogue in a internet forum matches the user's feelings' intensity."

oh and there's nothing to worry about my sex life lol.



LMAO Halarious thread

DMeisterJ is now a newb! well atlease for a few days lol, even I'm now far superior to him moihahaha

(And to the people who thinks this is to harsh, just lighten up its a joke, its a 3 day ban if anything that'll be good for him, he might go out and get laid because of this ban lol)

^hey lets not go to far here....didnt you se what could happen to him if he keeps whoring man! DIDNT YOU SEE!!!!