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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN and others review Left 4 Dead!

Hold on there, Gears 2 did get a 9 from the Official Xbox Magazine. As much as you are sick of hearing people say 9 is low, Im as sick at people seem to think its easy to get above 9 and Gears 2 didnt earn it.

I was always expected L4D to score really well after all the glowing previews and purely on the fact that its from Valve.

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@lwhatee, Yeah, because it's been getting 9s and 9.5s so far, it'll get 8s from most websites?  :-/

I have a feeling you're just a PS3 troll so whatever.  You do realize Valve is primarily a PC developer right?  Why are you even bringing this fanboy nonsense here?  That's one reason I really wish Valve didn't even bring this game to 360, because people start bashing the game for no reason other than they're fanboys. You don't get that on PC.

Here's a Team Xbox review, 9.1:

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

BenKenobi88 said:

@lwhatee, Yeah, because it's been getting 9s and 9.5s so far, it'll get 8s from most websites?  :-/

I have a feeling you're just a PS3 troll so whatever. That's one reason I really wish Valve didn't even bring this game to 360, because people start bashing the game for no reason other than they're fanboys. You don't get that on PC.

Here's a Team Xbox review, 9.1:


Yeah, pc doesn't have fanboys(cough...shio....cough...ssj).

A lot of Valve Love in this thread!
I love you too, Valve !!!

Gobias said:
lwhatee said:
twesterm said:
Yeah, I really don't see how any game this year can top L4D. Even the heavy hitters from the consoles (MKWii, Geras 2, MGS4) can't touch the awesomeness that is this game.

are u crazy or something

L4D looks bad and plays like OK

MGS4/LBP /GTA 4 are goty contenders

l4D will get 8s from most websites


While I don't agree with what you say exactly, I do agree with your general point.

This game might not even be mentioned in GOTY runnings, its a lot like Fable 2, sells well and is an above average game, but not huge (reviews wise and probably sales wise).



Oooops! Sorry.

I didn't notice this post. But that was expected. No?...LOL...

So, Fable 2 is an above average game... I'm sure you played it dude. I'm also sure that you played L4D too. Cause even the bloody pirated version didn't hit the net till today. Are you an oracle or something?

God! with these trolls... They are everywhere!

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What is unbelievable about this game is how good the reviews are. I played the demo and thought, WTF i am just constantly having to fire all the time. The demo was tedious as hell and i after i had finished i did not want to go back. Giving it 9.5 is stupid, it is no half life or half life 2. hype machine again. It will appeal to run and gun players but for me, no thanks.

Grahamhsu said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

I won't overhype this despite my other thread. 9.0 was expected by me(though reviews don't mean much). The demo has lived up to my expectations. It'll have a tough road to hoe before it can surpass Fallout 3, or match Gears 2 for me this year, but it could do it. That said, it's a Valve game, and they only make great stuff.

Often, games with an online focus hold a sort of mystery when it comes to reviews. There is an assumption that the game has potential beyond what is available at launch. However, you can't rate games off of potential, because potential, more than any other aspect of a game, has the probability of going unfulfilled.

This is a relatively ambitious game, and one thing I'll be looking for in a AAA title that doesn't ordinarily appear in an online shooter is story and character development(the "crossing the street" trailer gave me hope here).

Good review scores! Personally I hope this passes Fallout 3, after playing Oblivion I was excited for Fallout 3 but after playing it...I'd have to say Bestheda needed a different engine, the Oblivion engine just doesn't cut it for FPS games.



Fallout 3 isn't a FPS.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Nice... I'm still kinda torn between getting the 360 and the PC version though... on the one hand I loved the 360 demo and the game played and looked great as well. On the other hand I can get the PC version $20 cheaper than the 360 version via Circuit City. And then my pals are split down the middle, with some probably opting for the 360 version and some are hardcore PC gamers and definitely getting it on Steam tomorrow (or tonight).

Man, why do 360 games have to be sooo frickin expensive? It's $60 for a disc, c'mon! I've payed less for brand spankin new N64 games back in the day, and those were on carts with up to 512 megabits!

Edit:  So what's everyone on here getting it for?  360 or PC.. which one is FTW?

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Gobias and Iwhatee just GTFO seriously we don't care if you "think" this game is bad just piss off already!!!!!!

Anyway, I downloaded the demo, gonna try it out tomorrow. I love zombie games, the only reason I sold Dead Rising was because of the crappy save system.


I really hope it scores AAA, I hope its sales go past a million this year too.


I just played the demo yestarday, it was awesome, and at the end of the demo, it say "from the creatos of Counter strike, Halfe life, Portal and Team fortress"... OMG, with a presentation card like that one, you cant be wrong.

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