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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Square Enix- Fun Developing for the 360

ChronotriggerJM said:
Oh I'm sure they do share :P The only difference being that PS3 tech seems to be more "wtf?!?", whereas with the 360, since everything's so easy, your not really going to turn heads... Maybe a driver here, maybe an optimization there, but nothing really stellar. People used to think that the Cell's would just be used to give a little more boost, and that the PPO would do everything, but then people are realizing that they can use the spu's to do just about anything, wasn't the original idea behind FFXIII to use 2 of the 5 available SPU's to build character models before feeding it to the GPU? Then someone made them capable of forming advanced A.I., etc etc, people to this day are still figuring out how do to AMAZING things with the tech :P

I just feel because the 360's so simple, 3 general purpose cores, unified memory, blah blah blah, it's just so much easier to utilize, so much more open, that whatever problems that might have been difficult to figure out, will have a very mundane solution, boring in, boring out :(

Such amazing stuff that they can apparently also run it on the 360 using it's arichetecture.

For me it just sounds like trying to reinvent the wheel so far.

Some people will like to use a new wheel, most people will be far happier with the old wheel when it can do aproximitly the same thing, with much less effort.

It really depends what you find fun.  The work of doing it.  Or the result of doing it.

If what is fun for you is seeing what you've made... why put way more resources towards making a product that's equal or slightly better, when you could instead focus those resources towards a second project.

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I just feel because the 360's so simple, 3 general purpose cores, unified memory, blah blah blah, it's just so much easier to utilize, so much more open, that whatever problems that might have been difficult to figure out, will have a very mundane solution, boring in, boring out :(



 Buddy, just because something is easier to work with by no means makes it more boring. It makes it less frustrating is all.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

But it's way more than just re-inventing :P I've seen tech on the PS3 that was there from launch just now starting to be tapped into on the 360 :P The Unreal 3.5 showcase was talking about "thousands of enemies on-screen!", and I'm sitting back going, "dude, I've already played heavenly sword o.O; seriously?", and it was from "Ninja Theory"... who the hell is "Ninja Theory?". With MS's setup, the company's with the most resources will be able to pull off the most impressive feats, whereas with the PS3, it seems to me like the company willing to learn the tech the best can pull off the amazing feats. I NEVER would have thought the developers behind Jak and Daxter would pull off a game that's still in my opinion the prettiest I've seen yet this generation, both gorilla games and Team Kojima had WAY bigger budgets I'd imagine, but the games only look marginally better... if at all.

I've enjoyed seeing what all the different companies can do with the tech, it's been super interesting to see what the companies had in mind for a goal, and how they've executed it :P I dig the tech speeches, it's just fascinating ^^ Whereas with the 360, I'm not impressed like... ever... I just need to wait for the next epic released title to see what the platforms capable of :/

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Shadowblind said:
I just feel because the 360's so simple, 3 general purpose cores, unified memory, blah blah blah, it's just so much easier to utilize, so much more open, that whatever problems that might have been difficult to figure out, will have a very mundane solution, boring in, boring out :(



 Buddy, just because something is easier to work with by no means makes it more boring. It makes it less frustrating is all.

The path to uninteresting starts somewhere my friend :P Doing the same job for 40 years will take it's toll on anyone, to me, the easier setup is great for a job, terrible for a career, the curiosity of the unknown is a powerful force ^^ PLUS, when you can do something that others can't seem to do, you just feel like your on top of the world :D


From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Would you rather see your vision come to life with ease or with hardship?

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Shadowblind said:

Would you rather see your vision come to life with ease or with hardship?


9/10 times, the person with the vision doesn't know anything about the tech :P as a worker, getting the same job done while learning is far more interesting ;)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Hmmm..... I would like to hear the opinion of all of squares main dev team heads

4 ≈ One

@ ChronotriggerJM

So you find it boring when devs figure new things out on the 360 but not on the PS3? Because devs figure out new things for both consoles all the time. We hear about the breakthroughs on the PS3 because most times it was way harder to do.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.



i bet Sony is furious. A lot of cigarettes were brutally extinguished in anger by sony employees when this news came out.