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But it's way more than just re-inventing :P I've seen tech on the PS3 that was there from launch just now starting to be tapped into on the 360 :P The Unreal 3.5 showcase was talking about "thousands of enemies on-screen!", and I'm sitting back going, "dude, I've already played heavenly sword o.O; seriously?", and it was from "Ninja Theory"... who the hell is "Ninja Theory?". With MS's setup, the company's with the most resources will be able to pull off the most impressive feats, whereas with the PS3, it seems to me like the company willing to learn the tech the best can pull off the amazing feats. I NEVER would have thought the developers behind Jak and Daxter would pull off a game that's still in my opinion the prettiest I've seen yet this generation, both gorilla games and Team Kojima had WAY bigger budgets I'd imagine, but the games only look marginally better... if at all.

I've enjoyed seeing what all the different companies can do with the tech, it's been super interesting to see what the companies had in mind for a goal, and how they've executed it :P I dig the tech speeches, it's just fascinating ^^ Whereas with the 360, I'm not impressed like... ever... I just need to wait for the next epic released title to see what the platforms capable of :/

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