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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Square Enix Building U.S. Studio - Looking for 360 Developers

Sqrl said:
Godot said:
Sqrl said:
blazinhead89 said:
abandoning PS3? Reading too much into the article.


^^ This,  they are simply expanding their business not transforming it.

I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another.


Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA.


That would mean that the 360 and Wii stand to gain the most from this particular move, not that the PS3 was going to be abandoned.

If, for example, Taco Bell were to open 10 new locations in Florida, would they then be forced to close all of their locations in California?

Obviously not. That kind of logic makes no sense.  It just means that Florida is going to get 10 new taco bells while California retains the same number they have. 

PS - Note that they are talking about hiring new staff here and not about shifting their existing staff to 360 and Wii projects.



That confirms what I said. They plan to focus that studio on NA with primary support for 360 and Wii. That doesn't change anything of their PS3 support elsewhere though but I didn't talk about that.


How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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I think Sony got its moneys worth. Can you really expect Square to be beholden to Sony forever. They gave Sony a lot this generation despite their misgivings. They held fast for Sony longer then most. They even shared their misgivings about the consoles prospects in a hope that Sony might actually listen. Sony apparently couldn't or didn't meet the needs of Square.

I think it is insulting to think of Square as Sony's bitch. Yes I said it a lot of fans on this site consider Square to be a corporate bitch, and that it should be happy to be treated as such. Don't tell me that Sony did not get a lot of traction from Square support in the past, or for a major portion of this generation. Squares loyalty up until this year probably moved a few million consoles that would otherwise not have moved. In fact were it not for Square we might very well be asking the question can the PS3 survive this year.

That is how critical Final Fantasy XIII exclusivity was for the PS3 throughout that first year, and do not downplay this either. Do not insult my intelligence or any other posters intelligence. That first year it was the same thing Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, and Killzone 2. Those titles were the argument. Those titles were the hope.

I find it interesting how short the attention span in these forums can be some times. The PS3s first year was almost a complete disaster. Consoles collected dust on shelves, the library was barren, and the console had a huge price tag. All the signs of a console in trouble, and yet it was these few titles that stood between the console and a untimely demise. They were all the reason needed to buy this console, and everyone here heard that endlessly.

Sony helped to save Square, and then Square helped to save the PS3. In my book that makes the companies even. The loyalty was Sony's to lose, and they managed to do just that. You want to be mad. Be mad at Sony they are the ones that screwed the pooch.

Godot said:
Sqrl said:
Godot said:
Sqrl said:


^^ This,  they are simply expanding their business not transforming it.

I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another.


Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA.


That would mean that the 360 and Wii stand to gain the most from this particular move, not that the PS3 was going to be abandoned.

If, for example, Taco Bell were to open 10 new locations in Florida, would they then be forced to close all of their locations in California?

Obviously not. That kind of logic makes no sense.  It just means that Florida is going to get 10 new taco bells while California retains the same number they have. 

PS - Note that they are talking about hiring new staff here and not about shifting their existing staff to 360 and Wii projects.



That confirms what I said. They plan to focus that studio on NA with primary support for 360 and Wii. That doesn't change anything of their PS3 support elsewhere though but I didn't talk about that.


I stated: "I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another."

You replied: "Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA."

The direct implication is that you were referring to that.  I'm not sure how I could have taken it any other way to be honest.


To Each Man, Responsibility
Dodece said:

I think Sony got its moneys worth. Can you really expect Square to be beholden to Sony forever. They gave Sony a lot this generation despite their misgivings. They held fast for Sony longer then most. They even shared their misgivings about the consoles prospects in a hope that Sony might actually listen. Sony apparently couldn't or didn't meet the needs of Square.

I think it is insulting to think of Square as Sony's bitch. Yes I said it a lot of fans on this site consider Square to be a corporate bitch, and that it should be happy to be treated as such. Don't tell me that Sony did not get a lot of traction from Square support in the past, or for a major portion of this generation. Squares loyalty up until this year probably moved a few million consoles that would otherwise not have moved. In fact were it not for Square we might very well be asking the question can the PS3 survive this year.

That is how critical Final Fantasy XIII exclusivity was for the PS3 throughout that first year, and do not downplay this either. Do not insult my intelligence or any other posters intelligence. That first year it was the same thing Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, and Killzone 2. Those titles were the argument. Those titles were the hope.

I find it interesting how short the attention span in these forums can be some times. The PS3s first year was almost a complete disaster. Consoles collected dust on shelves, the library was barren, and the console had a huge price tag. All the signs of a console in trouble, and yet it was these few titles that stood between the console and a untimely demise. They were all the reason needed to buy this console, and everyone here heard that endlessly.

Sony helped to save Square, and then Square helped to save the PS3. In my book that makes the companies even. The loyalty was Sony's to lose, and they managed to do just that. You want to be mad. Be mad at Sony they are the ones that screwed the pooch.

I'm not insulting your intelligence...

Anyway, you say "SE saved PS3" with those games... well.. it just seems illogical. Buy a console at a hue price tag, that will only have those games in 2 years at least... however, surviving this year thanks to Square? thaks to price drops and games, methinks.

They've treated Sony well.. but I think it's because Sony was such a huge market leader.


@ gebx

Did u read the news posting about the economic crisis? I think that has more to do with it than anything you mentioned in the OP

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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xlost7 said:
Not only is Square Enix bringing a wealth of software to the Xbox 360. But it is finally understanding the market. They will not get any profit if they stay exclusive to a platform that is underperforming against a platform that is surperior in the states, and thats the Xbox 360.

The Wii, well I don't know maybe they know some of their software might not do well considering what the Wii is targeting.


Then you can explain to me why Star Ocean 4, a game of a franchise that sells the most in Japan, is exclusive to 360... If they want to take advantage of the states, get the most out of Europe and not lose Japan, the title should be multiplatform...

The Anarchyz said:
xlost7 said:
Not only is Square Enix bringing a wealth of software to the Xbox 360. But it is finally understanding the market. They will not get any profit if they stay exclusive to a platform that is underperforming against a platform that is surperior in the states, and thats the Xbox 360.

The Wii, well I don't know maybe they know some of their software might not do well considering what the Wii is targeting.


Then you can explain to me why Star Ocean 4, a game of a franchise that sells the most in Japan, is exclusive to 360... If they want to take advantage of the states, get the most out of Europe and not lose Japan, the title should be multiplatform...

Star Ocean 3 was arguably more successful in the West than it was in Japan.  Many of the game press consider the Western sales of SO3 to be quite good.  Star Ocean The Last Hope will also sell some 360s in Japan, especially if it gets a bundle like ToV and TLR.  There is also several hints that indicate that SO has peaked in popularity in Japan during the PS1 era when SO2 came out and has been in a steady decline in Japanese popularity ever since wherea it seems to have been vice versa in the West where SO3 has been considered the first SO title to reach global popularity.


Pristine20 said:
@ gebx

Did u read the news posting about the economic crisis? I think that has more to do with it than anything you mentioned in the OP

That's a good point.

Even though times are going to get tough, Square Enix is still starting a new studio to concetrate on Wii and 360 games.


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


@gibx...........square isnt abandoning ps3 at all.........quit fooling about to make flame bait threads...........square r a business and want to expand thier profile so a move like this is good for them

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

ymeaga1n said:
pbroy said:
Maybe it was part of the deal to bring Final Fantasy 13 to 360. Microsoft had to buy a building and pay for all development of anything that is released on the 360 and Wii in, the US. The first projects being the port of FF13 and Wii FF Crystal game.

LOLOL're not serious are you?


Not really... it's a funny thought though. Not everything has to be so serious all the time. Everybody needs to relax.


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