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I think Sony got its moneys worth. Can you really expect Square to be beholden to Sony forever. They gave Sony a lot this generation despite their misgivings. They held fast for Sony longer then most. They even shared their misgivings about the consoles prospects in a hope that Sony might actually listen. Sony apparently couldn't or didn't meet the needs of Square.

I think it is insulting to think of Square as Sony's bitch. Yes I said it a lot of fans on this site consider Square to be a corporate bitch, and that it should be happy to be treated as such. Don't tell me that Sony did not get a lot of traction from Square support in the past, or for a major portion of this generation. Squares loyalty up until this year probably moved a few million consoles that would otherwise not have moved. In fact were it not for Square we might very well be asking the question can the PS3 survive this year.

That is how critical Final Fantasy XIII exclusivity was for the PS3 throughout that first year, and do not downplay this either. Do not insult my intelligence or any other posters intelligence. That first year it was the same thing Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII, and Killzone 2. Those titles were the argument. Those titles were the hope.

I find it interesting how short the attention span in these forums can be some times. The PS3s first year was almost a complete disaster. Consoles collected dust on shelves, the library was barren, and the console had a huge price tag. All the signs of a console in trouble, and yet it was these few titles that stood between the console and a untimely demise. They were all the reason needed to buy this console, and everyone here heard that endlessly.

Sony helped to save Square, and then Square helped to save the PS3. In my book that makes the companies even. The loyalty was Sony's to lose, and they managed to do just that. You want to be mad. Be mad at Sony they are the ones that screwed the pooch.