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Godot said:
Sqrl said:
Godot said:
Sqrl said:


^^ This,  they are simply expanding their business not transforming it.

I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another.


Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA.


That would mean that the 360 and Wii stand to gain the most from this particular move, not that the PS3 was going to be abandoned.

If, for example, Taco Bell were to open 10 new locations in Florida, would they then be forced to close all of their locations in California?

Obviously not. That kind of logic makes no sense.  It just means that Florida is going to get 10 new taco bells while California retains the same number they have. 

PS - Note that they are talking about hiring new staff here and not about shifting their existing staff to 360 and Wii projects.



That confirms what I said. They plan to focus that studio on NA with primary support for 360 and Wii. That doesn't change anything of their PS3 support elsewhere though but I didn't talk about that.


I stated: "I don't see anywhere that implies they are shutting down one aspect of their business in order to start another."

You replied: "Well, maybe the fact that the PS3 is far behind in NA and they are planning to focus that studio on NA."

The direct implication is that you were referring to that.  I'm not sure how I could have taken it any other way to be honest.


To Each Man, Responsibility