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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The better console for value.

I said it before but I don't mind repeating it. As far as hardware is concerned, the PS3 offers pretty much everything you could want in a console. The Xbox 360 offers everything you could need in a console.

Other factors should effect the purchase (games for example). And my PS3 and 360 are BOTH wired! Why do people always throw in the "oh, you gotta pay for wireless on the 360" arguement? You have to buy Web Cams for both too, don't you? Optional accessories are still optional. I used to cringe everytime somebody would say "You gotta buy an HD DVD player for the 360. The PS3 comes with the Blu-ray player. that's $150 right there!" Why the hell would I do that? That means that I have to buy a standalone Blu-ray player with my Wii!

Both systems rock, but it's up to the consumer to decide what they need. HDD, online play, wireless, headsets, remotes, etc....are all optional. What good are these things to somebody who isn't going to use them?

Farty poop boobs.

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20GB HDD for Arcade version costs $20 because of the NXE.
Online is $39 for 13 months. ($3 per month)

d21lewis said:
I said it before but I don't mind repeating it. As far as hardware is concerned, the PS3 offers pretty much everything you could want in a console.

The Xbox 360 offers everything you could need in a console.



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

NJ5 said:

Value is subjective.




Exactly correct.  For example, if I already have a BD player or am not interested in paying 2x normal DVD costs to get BDs, then the BD player in the PS3 has no added value to me.  Sure, it's techincally a BD player but that doesn't necessarily give it value it in my eyes.

Also, MS was offering a deal where Arcade owners could get 20GB drives for $20.  Are they still doing this?

Finally, wireless has no value for gaming, so I presume only people who can't possibly wire a network connection to their console would find value in the wireless features.  Despite having a wireless router, I run wired connection to my Wii.

Gotta love those fanboys. The last 10 weeks the Xbox360 won over the PS3 in sales and everytime... I mean EVERYTIME... Sony fans appeared saying: "It just sells so well, because it so cheap! Wait till (seems like we have heard this sentence before) the price drops for the PS3" On the other hand Sony fans are not getting tired to repeat, the PS3 is cheaper... actually... in a strange way... talking about value.

For me: The PS3 is a complete package. The Xbox360 gives you the oppertunity to select the things you like. You can go out and play 99% of the games with an entry price of 199$ or you can get the system you like. I don't think that is a bad thing.

I do not need BluRay and I do not need WLan. Can I get a PS3 and claim the money for it?

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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NJ5 said:

Value is subjective.




The intelligent posts are always ignored.


Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

@ NJ5

Value is subjective.

Yes it is. It's impossible to put an exact dollar value on things like having less of a chance of your console breaking on you, having near to no chance of discs scratching, less console noise, etc.

Free online play is easier to quantify its worth comparitively (although the 360 has no lag free 30 vs 30 squad battles or easy user content of the likes supported by LittleBigPlanet), but some features like Wi-Fi, motion control, Blu-Ray movie compatibility, easily upgradeable harddrive, etc are worth more to some than others. What will be Home's value, is PlayTV useful to you, etc?

For me console power is an important factor, cell processing power, Blu-Ray disc space, default harddrive, etc are important factors. IMO this significantly enhances console perspectives, they are important factors why I think God of War 3 and Killzone 2 will be jaw dropping (technically in addition to general design).

Games library is subjective as well, sure the PS3 has and will have the technically most impressive games, but if MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and/or Resistance 2, etc are of better value than Gears 2, Banjoo and/or Halo 3 depends on personal preferences.

For me personally the PS3 is of a much better value by a long shot, but I imagine entry pricing, piracy options and/or budget gaming may be more of a crucial factors to others.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:

@ NJ5

Value is subjective.

Yes it is. It's impossible to put an exact dollar value on things like having less of a chance of your console breaking on you, having near to no chance of discs scratching, less console noise, etc.

Free online play is easier to quantify it worth relatively, but some features like Wi-Fi, motion control, Blu-Ray movie compatibility, easily upgradeable harddrive, etc are more worth to some than others. What will be Home's value, is PlayTV useful to you, etc?

For me console power is an important factor, cell processing power, Blu-Ray disc space, default harddrive, etc are important factors. IMO this significantly enhances console perspectives, they are important factors why I think God of War 3 and Killzone 2 will be jaw dropping (technically in addition to general design).

Games library is subjective as well, sure the PS3 has and will have the technically most impressive games, but if MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and/or Resistance 2, etc are of better value than Gears 2, Banjoo and/or Halo 3 depends on personal preferences.

For me personally the PS3 is of a much better value by a long shot, but I imagine entry pricing, piracy options and/or budget gaming may be more of a crucial factor to others.

Why do mosly ps3 owners always create threads about greater value for money? Why do they have the need to convert other people in to getting a ps3 by saying its a greater investment for the future blah blah blah...?

Is it because:

a) they feel insecure about their decision to get a ps3

b)the aren't used to having a sony console being in the last place sales wise so they don't know what to do

c)they don't know how to let the games do the talking

d)all of the above

Also, I find it hillarious that you still maintain the angle of "PS3 is superior technically" after 2 years of having inferior or equal multiplatforms. Now I know you will reply in saying that 360 is the develpment platform and tht tera FLOPS of ps3 cpu are superior or something...but yeah, all that is not really going in PS3s favour when it comes to the most important aspect...GAMES!

Also, listing piracy options and budget games as a reason for high 360 sales doesn't work for you at all...since most 360 multiplatform games that come out these days whoop ps3s sales. that sentace should have been finished like this ..."For me personally the PS3 is of a much better value by a long shot, but I imagine entry pricing, better online community and/or achievements in games may be more of a crucial factor to others"

havent you posted this before?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur


If we're allowed to do the "let's post crap" thing these days, here's my contribution:

Why spend 399 for a PS3 and play 1 great game (let's say, MGS4) when you can buy a 360 for less and play 100 great games offline for 180.

Also, let's place a 3 year warranty vs a 1 year warranty, and compare the value of that.

On top of that, let's also take into consideration that the design of the PS3's controller can cause hand cramps because Sony cut corners as opposed to redesigning their controller in order to incorporate triggers they blatantly stole from the opposition.


Seriously, you're wasting your breathe, I'm pretty sure everyone here (it's a freaking console sales tracking website) has made up their mind on what console(s) to own already, and if they haven't, I doubt they'd even consider the thoughts of an obvious fanboy.