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If we're allowed to do the "let's post crap" thing these days, here's my contribution:

Why spend 399 for a PS3 and play 1 great game (let's say, MGS4) when you can buy a 360 for less and play 100 great games offline for 180.

Also, let's place a 3 year warranty vs a 1 year warranty, and compare the value of that.

On top of that, let's also take into consideration that the design of the PS3's controller can cause hand cramps because Sony cut corners as opposed to redesigning their controller in order to incorporate triggers they blatantly stole from the opposition.


Seriously, you're wasting your breathe, I'm pretty sure everyone here (it's a freaking console sales tracking website) has made up their mind on what console(s) to own already, and if they haven't, I doubt they'd even consider the thoughts of an obvious fanboy.