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MikeB said:

@ NJ5

Value is subjective.

Yes it is. It's impossible to put an exact dollar value on things like having less of a chance of your console breaking on you, having near to no chance of discs scratching, less console noise, etc.

Free online play is easier to quantify it worth relatively, but some features like Wi-Fi, motion control, Blu-Ray movie compatibility, easily upgradeable harddrive, etc are more worth to some than others. What will be Home's value, is PlayTV useful to you, etc?

For me console power is an important factor, cell processing power, Blu-Ray disc space, default harddrive, etc are important factors. IMO this significantly enhances console perspectives, they are important factors why I think God of War 3 and Killzone 2 will be jaw dropping (technically in addition to general design).

Games library is subjective as well, sure the PS3 has and will have the technically most impressive games, but if MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and/or Resistance 2, etc are of better value than Gears 2, Banjoo and/or Halo 3 depends on personal preferences.

For me personally the PS3 is of a much better value by a long shot, but I imagine entry pricing, piracy options and/or budget gaming may be more of a crucial factor to others.

Why do mosly ps3 owners always create threads about greater value for money? Why do they have the need to convert other people in to getting a ps3 by saying its a greater investment for the future blah blah blah...?

Is it because:

a) they feel insecure about their decision to get a ps3

b)the aren't used to having a sony console being in the last place sales wise so they don't know what to do

c)they don't know how to let the games do the talking

d)all of the above

Also, I find it hillarious that you still maintain the angle of "PS3 is superior technically" after 2 years of having inferior or equal multiplatforms. Now I know you will reply in saying that 360 is the develpment platform and tht tera FLOPS of ps3 cpu are superior or something...but yeah, all that is not really going in PS3s favour when it comes to the most important aspect...GAMES!

Also, listing piracy options and budget games as a reason for high 360 sales doesn't work for you at all...since most 360 multiplatform games that come out these days whoop ps3s sales. that sentace should have been finished like this ..."For me personally the PS3 is of a much better value by a long shot, but I imagine entry pricing, better online community and/or achievements in games may be more of a crucial factor to others"