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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Could Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts steal some of LBP thunder?

It has several advantages over LBP:

1) It is cheaper
2) It is a established franchise
3) It was made by a well know and respected developer.
4) Previews and reviews praise it as one of the most innovative platformers ever, one that could move the genre forward
5) Some of the most reliable (and harsh) reviewers scored it with a 90+

LBP seems to have a very tough opponent. One of the early reviews said: "The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy (...) the ability to create and operate custom vehicles -- both online and off -- make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer".

If this game scores higher than LBP on Metacritic and Gamerankings it might steal more than some of its sales.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

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What? It's already impossible for Banjo to score higher than LBP on gamerankings or metacritic.

As in go buy us some coffee.

yeah....have you been keeping track of the reviews dude?


maybe if it was a direct sequel to the N64 games

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If it gets a 5/10 which was counted in aggregate scores, it can't be that fantastic.

As in go buy us some coffee.

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Is this a joke thread?

You quote one early review: "The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy. The ability to create and operate custom vehicles -- both online and off -- make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer".

Then take a look at more recent reviews.

GT Score: 6.7

"Objects have no virtual weight, causing vehicles to snag on the lightest brush with obstacles. A lot of things feel like they are made out of paper maché. It all adds up to a frustrating experience."

"The bottom line is, we play video games to have fun. You'll spend a lot of time snapping parts together to make vehicles that will likely fail at what you built them for"

"It's hard to recommend Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. It's too complicated for kids and too convoluted for adults."


Score way. Quality LBP is awesome and a great title for the PS3. Banjo is a great, cheap, holiday casual title for the 360, but it can not compete with LBP. Just being realistic.

It is impossible critically unless we have 10's from IGN & Gamespot which I guarantee you we won't by taking an educated guess.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ItsaMii said:

It has several advantages over LBP:

1) It is cheaper
2) It is a established franchise
3) It was made by a well know and respected developer.
4) Previews and reviews praise it as one of the most innovative platformers ever, one that could move the genre forward
5) Some of the most reliable (and harsh) reviewers scored it with a 90+

LBP seems to have a very tough opponent. One of the early reviews said: "The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy (...) the ability to create and operate custom vehicles -- both online and off -- make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer".

If this game scores higher than LBP on Metacritic and Gamerankings it might steal more than some of its sales.



Would not surprise me if it beats it in sales, as there are a lot of people such as myself who just can't wait to get a piece of that nostalgia, but don't quote me though. Platformers in general are probably more on the hardcore gamer side now adays. If it is received even halfway as well as other old Rare franchises along with the low price and this economy it might just be a hit regardless of reviews.


Passenger57 said:
ItsaMii said:

It has several advantages over LBP:

1) It is cheaper
2) It is a established franchise
3) It was made by a well know and respected developer.
4) Previews and reviews praise it as one of the most innovative platformers ever, one that could move the genre forward
5) Some of the most reliable (and harsh) reviewers scored it with a 90+

LBP seems to have a very tough opponent. One of the early reviews said: "The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy (...) the ability to create and operate custom vehicles -- both online and off -- make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer".

If this game scores higher than LBP on Metacritic and Gamerankings it might steal more than some of its sales.



Would not surprise me if it beats it in sales, as there are a lot of people such as myself who just can't wait to get a piece of that nostalgia, but don't quote me though. Platformers in general are probably more on the hardcore gamer side now adays. If it is received even halfway as well as other old Rare franchises along with the low price and this economy it might just be a hit regardless of reviews.

Are you serious? With the turn the franchise has taken I'd be surprised if it broke a million lifetime.


As in go buy us some coffee.