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Is this a joke thread?

You quote one early review: "The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy. The ability to create and operate custom vehicles -- both online and off -- make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer".

Then take a look at more recent reviews.

GT Score: 6.7

"Objects have no virtual weight, causing vehicles to snag on the lightest brush with obstacles. A lot of things feel like they are made out of paper maché. It all adds up to a frustrating experience."

"The bottom line is, we play video games to have fun. You'll spend a lot of time snapping parts together to make vehicles that will likely fail at what you built them for"

"It's hard to recommend Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. It's too complicated for kids and too convoluted for adults."