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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge Issue 196 Reviews

BornFirst. said:
TruckOSaurus said:
BornFirst. said:
I don't care what edge score are on Mirrors Edge, i am still getting it, that demo is one of the most freshest games i have played this GEN. Though i love and respect edge they can not sway me on this one. The very first time i heard about Mirrors Edge (ironically it was in an edge issue about 2-3 years ago) i new the game had to be mine.

Same here the demo convinced me I had to get the game (which I will pick up tonight).



LOL, i think in the space of a few days i have played the demo close to a fifty times now, crazy or what

Maybe a little . I played it around 12-15 times. I would have played it more if it recorded my best time like in the time trial mode.


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I wonder how many people complained when LBP got a 10 from them.....

kowenicki said:
I usually agree with Edge.. but I cant see 6/10 for COD WaW, I just cant. It is every bit as good as COD4, its the same frickin engine, better graphics, improved multiplayer, co-op and better single player... how can it be so much lower in the scoring? Makes no sense.

thats not saying much...


7 for Valkyria? Blasphemy, it deserves an 8 even by their supposedly lofty standards


You people are what's wrong with the review industry.

These reviews are too harsh? They gave out one 3, and nothing else below a 5! Apparently all games are average or better!

If you're ever wondering why video game reviews aren't taken seriously, here's one more example to explain why. You wonder why they give virtually everything 9s and 10s? Because you all bitch and moan when they don't. My god, I'd hate to see what would happen if they handed out 1s and 2s.

The problem with the review industry is, at least to an extent, the review industry itself; but equally to blame are some of the people in this thread. You are the reason why the scale is broken, you are the reason why Metacritic handles game reviews so differently than Movie/Music ones. Ever wonder why a movie that has a score of 80 is considered to have "universal acclaim," while a game that is 80 supposedly has "generally favorable reviews?"

Because of you. You skew the system, because you gnash your teeth and spew hatred whenever a magazine gives lower scores to games you love. Think of what movie reviews would be like if Film Critics gave better scores to terrible movies like 300 simply to appease the young, impetulant masses?">">

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I agree the movie industry is so harsh in comparison.

SW episode 3 deserved 10's for ending a HUGE franchisE!!!!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

I agree the movie industry is so harsh in comparison.

SW episode 3 deserved 10's for ending a HUGE franchisE!!!!!

Yes! Clearly Film/Literature/Music criticism should be more like Games criticism, and not the other way around! :p">">

DOATS1 said:


Left 4 Dead - 9 Confirmation this game is awesome
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - 7
Gears of War 2 - 9 Same as Left 4 Dead
Fallout 3 - 7 - ..the Hell?  Did they only play the PS3 version?  Other than the PS3 bugs I haven't really heard much bad about this game
Call of Duty: World at War - 6 - Ouch
Resistance 2 - 6 - Double ouch
Mirror's Edge - 5 - Triple ouch
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - 7 - I can understand that
007: Quantum of Solace - 5
Tomb Raider: Underworld - 8
Guitar Hero: World Tour - 7
Animal Crossing City Folk - 7
Ninjatown - 6
Command & Comnquer: Red Alert 3 - 7
Manhunt 2 - 4 - lawl
Silent Hill: Homecoming: 6
Tom Clancy's Endwar - 8
Socom Confrontation - 5
Valkyria Chronicles - 7
Need for Speed Undercover - 3
Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip - 7


The only one that confused me was the Fallout 3 review.  I understand that not every game can be a 9 and I applaud them for giving a wider range of scores but just from what I've heard of Fallout 3 I would have thought it could score higher.

Hmm, ouch for Resistance 2, but Fallout 3's 7, imo, completely discredits the list.

That's just....not right...I hesitate to call it "dumb" but it certainly isn't smart.

Fallout 3 is my Game o tha Yer. I'm guessing they played the PS3 version.

I officially discredit these reviews.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


hanafuda said:
Bitmap Frogs said:

BTW, the cover... stolen from someone's photobucket:


Predictable. No Wii Music review though? How odd..

Maybe they thought it would be disrespectful or awkward to give a 3 to Wii Music in the same issue that Miyamoto gushes about the game.