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Forums - Sales Discussion - So let me get this straight, Microsoft is chocking sony to death


Yes but its the way they are running the business, did sony BUY final fantasy from SQUARE? Did SONY BUY major 3rd party support in the ps1 era? Or did they earn the support?


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Well it's simple isn't it? Many people don't see the reason to pay the extra money for something they don't see that much extra value in. Contrary to many online boards most people don't need every game they just need enough games to satisfy them in the genres that they like.

also what you have said is exactly what Microsoft set out to do with the xbox, however i think you are exaggerating, PS3 sales are still healthy WW.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

tkjinak said:


 There is no NPD melt down, its been on my mind ever since FF XIII was announced for the XBOX 360, and squares way of "expanding" there audience.

If that were anywhere near the truth, there is no reason why STAR OCEAN 4 would be exclusive to any console, and the same goes for Inifinite Undiscovery.


RolStoppable said:
Microsoft is using Sony's gameplan and because they have more money they can beat Sony.

1. Get a head start over your competition.
2. Sell hardware at a loss.
3. Market heavily towards the young male market, become the cool system to own.
4. Pay off third parties for better support.


Yeah, but since wii was released that strategy doesn't won't work anymore. Maybe on ps3 but wii is untouchable.


Its not BUYING!

Its is PROVIDING their userbase with more games to enjoy

it is TRYING to win

once again.

Its just how a business is run...n their doing a damn good job

not to say for ONE second that I am disappointed with SONY's offering but I must say MS is for once acting as a great company for their userbase.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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The only thing that has stopped Sony so far is their own blunders.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

Poor leo-j 

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

A lot of this list sounds like what Sony did to Nintendo (even down to the reference to Star Ocean 4). It's eerie.



Microsoft wishes they could choke Sony to death.

Microsoft has done well this gen, they nullified sony's huge advantage, 3rd party exclusives, it is not cheating, most of those 3rd party devs were once exclusive to nintendo until sony showed up, its just history repeating, but at least PS3 still has the games just not the 3rd party exclusives PS1/PS2 enjoyed.

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