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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Square-Enix says FFCC: The Crystal Bearers not cancelled, official statement tomorrow

.:Dark Prince:. said:
trestres said:
Lol, let's wait until tomorrow, because not being cancelled doesn't mean it isn't being moved to another platform or being remade a more casual game, like a party or multiplat DS/Wii game.

Well, 1 more day until nothing obviously. It will be May 2007 all over again, that means a guy comes out, shows the same 5 second gameplay vid and tells us the game is being made.
Then next year at TGS, people wondering where the game is.


Well Crystal Chronicles is only for Nintendo consoles if i remember correctly, there's something like a contract between Square and Nintendo.. not sure where i read it though.

Nope, Nintendo gave money to a new studi formed by SquareEnix in 2002 called Game Des!gner throught their fund Q ( a fund  estabilished to improve the relationship between GBA and GC ) to develop a Final Fantasy game for gamecube ( hence the heavily usage of GBAs to enjoy in full FFCC on cube ).

After the game release SquareEnix absorbed that studio in its internal development. However FFCC serie is meant to be Final Fantasy for Nintendo system so is very unlikely that a game in the serie would appear on other systems however Nintendo can't decide anything about it ( because they only funded the GC one ).


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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celine said:
.:Dark Prince:. said:
trestres said:
Lol, let's wait until tomorrow, because not being cancelled doesn't mean it isn't being moved to another platform or being remade a more casual game, like a party or multiplat DS/Wii game.

Well, 1 more day until nothing obviously. It will be May 2007 all over again, that means a guy comes out, shows the same 5 second gameplay vid and tells us the game is being made.
Then next year at TGS, people wondering where the game is.


Well Crystal Chronicles is only for Nintendo consoles if i remember correctly, there's something like a contract between Square and Nintendo.. not sure where i read it though.

Nope, Nintendo gave money to a new studi formed by SquareEnix in 2002 called Game Des!gner throught their fund Q ( a fund estabilished to improve the relationship between GBA and GC ) to develop a Final Fantasy game for gamecube ( hence the heavily usage of GBAs to enjoy in full FFCC on cube ).

After the game release SquareEnix absorbed that studio in its internal development. However FFCC serie is meant to be Final Fantasy for Nintendo system so is very unlikely that a game in the serie would appear on other systems however Nintendo can't decide anything about it ( because they only funded the GC one ).


Oh ok then. :)

Still, i don't think they would change the platform now that the Wii is so successful.


I really hope it isn't cancelled.

cus that gameplay trailer looked BRILLIANT!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Party Monster said:
How do the Wii owners feel about this?


Yay! It's not cancelled!


Well, I doubt the final product will be exactly as in the trailer. I'm hoping it'll be pretty cool nonetheless.

The BuShA owns all!

Owned haha.

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After hearing the rumor I was expecting to hear/see this soon...

4 ≈ One

probably saying itll be shown off at jump festa

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Ugh, tired of waiting. They need to announce something.

It's up

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

As promised, we’ve obtained a statement from Square-Enix concerning FFCC: The Crystal Bearers. Yesterday, we reported an EGM rumor that stated that FFCC: The Crystal Bearers was most likely cancelled. Today, Square-Enix steps in to comment on the situation. This statement is direct from Square-Enix, and was provided to GoNintendo by Sonia Im, Senior Public Relations Manager of Square Enix, Inc..

“While much of EGM’s ‘Rumor Mill’ contents end up being accurate, in this case the report is incorrect.

We have never announced that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers has been cancelled and have every intention of releasing it. There may be some concerns as a firm ship date has not been set but rest assured there will be an announcement once we finalize the date internally.

Although there are many Square Enix related rumors out there that we do not comment on, due to the feedback from the readers, we felt it was necessary to provide a statement to alleviate the worries of those who are looking forward to the game. The fan base that the Final Fantasy series has is appreciated by everyone at Square Enix (not only the developers) so we hope this statement will prevent any further spreading of the rumor.

We apologize for any unnecessary distress this rumor may have caused and hope the fans of the series can again look forward to the upcoming release of Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.” - Square-Enix statement

A special thanks to all those involved at Square-Enix with the issuing of this statement.