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Forums - Sony Discussion - Good and Bad News... For me atleast [InFamous]

Expect Infamous To Be On The Short Side

Sucker Punch creative director Nate Fox tells Eurogamer, in a roundabout way, that his company's upcoming open world super-dude game Infamous for the PlayStation 3 isn't striving for epic length. Fox may cleverly disguise this talk about the game's potential shorter playing time by focusing on something he calls "quality," but we're onto you, sir.

He specifically points to two games, one being God of War, the other Grand Theft Auto IV. The former clocks in at just seven hours or so, a quantity that sounds pretty OK with Fox.

"It seems to me that it's not about length, but about quality," Fox said. "And because I love both of those games, I hope that developers never try to shoot for a long game, but instead for the most fun they can pack onto the disc - at any length. That's what we're doing for inFamous." Fine with me really, just maybe a bit brief for this-gen sandbox expectations.

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God of War was only seven hours?  I thought it was around ten.  Is he thinking of Heavenly Sword?

Don't mind if open world games are short. There will probably be alot of optional quests to make up for it. As a matter of fact, i could argue that Farcry2 and GTA4 's campaigns are too long making the game get repetitive and boring.

I seriously hope it's extremely replayable, or something in there to increase the lasting appeal.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
I seriously hope it's extremely replayable, or something in there to increase the lasting appeal.


Me too...this game looks like it has a lot of potential..but if I'm going to beat it in 7 hours, what's the point?  I'll rent it..and they won't see my $60 either..I'm not paying for a game that short=/  If they sell it for, say $40, then yeah I'll buy it..but we all know that won't happen.

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Online ass kicking mode anyone?

makingmusic476 said:

God of War was only seven hours?  I thought it was around ten.  Is he thinking of Heavenly Sword?


10???? I finished the first god of war, for the first time i played it in a lil bit less than 7.

I go to 10 hours in God of War and never bothered finishing it.

No way. God of War was WAY longer than seven hours.

Well, I think God of War II was longer. The campaign was some 12 hours, and Challenge of The Titans was another 2-3 hours.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

halil23 said:
makingmusic476 said:

God of War was only seven hours? I thought it was around ten. Is he thinking of Heavenly Sword?

LMAO! Just what I was thinking.

OT : Can't wait, when is it releaseing?


I think it was stated b4 May 09...

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